-8- An awkward kiss

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'What the - ?', Ginny managed when she ran into someone and all air blew out of her.

'Watch where you're goi- ! What the hell?!?' Draco realised what, better yet who he had infront of him. He stared at his doppelgänger, perplexed and frightenned. Ginny was somewhere between fraking out and having to hold in the laughter that came up in her when she saw the look on his face. It made her think the whole action was worth it just because of that.

Luckily, Ginny snapped back to reality before Draco and witnessed her only chance. She stared him in the eye and leaned in and -

- kissed him. Draco kissing Draco. But Ginny did not think of it as that. And as much as she enjoyed it, she had to break loose. However she had stolen enough time to stuff the diary in her robes, and she sped down the hall and toward Gryffindor Tower as fast as she could.

But Ginny didn't have to worry about Draco following her. Because Draco was Draco. He ignored the laughing around him, entered the Slytherin common room and noticed one thing right away - someone had left a drawer of the commode open. His drawer.

'Damnit!', he cussed quietly. Who would dare? Oh whoever was allowing themselves this little joke, they were gonna pay. He couldn't let anyone get away with this. My father mustn't hear about this. Someone making fun of a pureblood like me, this is unexeptable!

But them Draco started to realise something. With his exellent observation and deduction skills, he started thinking back... The person had had Gryffindor robes, which had been about a foot too short at the feet, known about his diary and as they'd ran away, he'd noticed the hair turning red and longer. Even if there wasn't any way to find his doppelgänger bevause he'd already transformed back, Draco knew who he - better yet she - had been.

'Damn you Weaslette! This will be coming back to you. Maxbe not kiss me next time and run instead. Run and hide! Don't think this is over.'

Hello Sillygoose,
I managed to update! Yay hurray! Anyway I know I took FOREVER to update and then it's just this amazingly dissapointing short chapter and yeah I dunno i guess I just had to rediscover how much I actually enjoy writing so yeah expect the next update sooner than this one.
Toodles, Princess Leah

A/N 2.0

My Wattpad didn't seem to upload the chapter so i'm reposting it. Maybe you saw it and read it, but mine isn't working. I'm gonna delete it.

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