-7- Revenge

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- One week later
'Ok Mione, but don't tell anyone it was me!'

'I won't. Oh I'm so glad you trusted me. This is what he really deserves.'

'I know. It wasn't hard to get a hair of his, given the fact that Harry gave me his Invisibility (my favourite word) Cloak for our sixth month anniversary. Well, I hope he didn't expect he'd get it back if he ran off with the Cho bitch'

She put the hair into a glass of bubbling Polyjuice Potion, which turned dark green.

'It's now or never, Gin'

'Don't you think I should wait until tomorrow, Mione? I mean, I don't even have Slytherin robes.'

'But doesn't that make it even better. Funnier. Stupider.'

'If you say sooo... Ok, here goes nothing.' And with that she emptied the glass.. 'EWWW, this tastes gross.'

'OMG, you look just like him', Hermione commented.

'Do you thimk Polyjuice Potion can trick the magical cabinet, dresser, whatever...?', Ginny asked, scared to get caught.

'I can't judge that, Gin, you'll just have to try. Good luck, I'll be off now.'

'Actually, no, you won't.' 


'Listen, I really need you to go out there in the corridor, acting like you're crying, and then I'll come and kiss you.'

'Sorry Ginny. You're my best friend, but I just don't see us that way', she giggled.

'Oh come on, like I want something from you. It's supposed to look like Draco kisses you, it'll damage his reputation even more.'

'Oi you evil genius. I knew it, I knew it, you're on too me!', Hermione teased.

'Hermione! Cut it out! I don't have much time.'

'Alright, what do I have to lose?'

'Oh so much... ('That was a rethorical question, Ginny.') Now get your ass out there, I'll cath up in like a minute. Best would be if you'd go out to the stairway, there'll be most people there.' ('Great. Fine. Whatever.')

Hermione left the out-of-order girls toilet and Ginny a.k.a. Draco followed a minute later. After a few quick paces she spotted Hermione, walking with her head down. Ginny screamed: 'Granger, wait up'
She ran up to her and noticed people staring. 'Granger, I'm reaqlly sory. I promise nothing happened between me and the blood-traitor, I only stood by her because I know she's your bestie. I helped her for you.' (BTW this is Ginny screaming around as Draco about herself. If anyone doesn't quite understand this chapter, feel free to ask) 

She caught up, took Hermione in her arms and said: 'Hermione, I love you, and only you.' And with that Ginny kissed Hermione so she wouldn't brake out in giggles, and everyone just stood there open-mouthed, not sure if what their eyes had just witnessed had actually happened. 'Well that was awkward', Ginny whispered in Hermione's ear - while everyone thought it was Draco whispering something romantic to Hermione - , 'time to get that diary and make Draco the biggest imbecile (Idiot) of school' 

'You got this, sis?'

'I got this' Ginny headed for the dungeons. She was shaking, so happy Draco hadn't ran into her yet. I wonder how long it'll take until he gets ear of whats going on. Many people were baffled as who they thought was Draco went around, smiling and giving free hugs to random people. I can't wait until his father hears about this. Yes, this is definetly one awesome revenge prank. Fred and George would be so proud of me, Ginny thought gloriously. 

Then came the second obstacle. The Slytherin's common room door. She knew where it was, I mean, Ron & Harry broke in once and told her all about it. Wow, it was sad how all her thoughts managed to come back to Harry after a while. But she didn't know the password, however.

Well, f**k obstacles, I have common sense. What would the password of some snobbish people be who build their live around blood-status. Oh yeah - 'Pure-blood', she said aloud, and a stone door concealed in the wall slid open. (Yes i pretty much stole that scentence from the book)

She entered the room down a small flight of stairs, infront of her was a study, two sofas facing eachother, and a fireplace. The room was slim and long. To the back stood round table, to the front were more studies and chairs, tables with chess games. She walked to the back where a massive dresser out of mahagonay wood stood. The names of every Slytherin student stood on a drawer. Ginny looked towards the top until she spotted a drawer which's handle read in nice cursive writing: Draco Lucius Malfoy. She breathed in & out deeply, streched out her hand and quickly opened it. Embarrassingly for Salazar Slytherin, it worked, and Ginny got off with only a slight burn, and luckily she restricted herself from jumpind, or she might've made someone suspicious. She took out it's content, and suddenly all giddy, slammed the drawer shut and nearly fled.

I did it I did it I did it I did it I did it I did it I did  it I did it I did it I did it ... 'Hey watch your step'

Hehehehehehe I did it! I am soooooo sorry for not uploading but it took so much to get my lazy ass together and put it inside the computer cause I have like, all the way to Chapter 10 written into my notebook.... So yeah if you're lucky and I feel productive, Chapter 8 will be on this week...

Bye, luv ya

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