-6- Plans

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The weeks seemed to fly past and as November turned into December and the first snowflakes came, the incident between the Slytherin Prince and the Gryffindor Princess was nearly forgotten, but managed to linger in the minds of everyone involved (which meant as much as Ginny, Draco and unfortunatly Ron). Ron wouldn't shut up. No matter how loud Ginny screamed at him that nothing had happenned between her and Draco, he was talking about betraying their family and one day he even took it far enough to say she betrayed Harry. At this she got so angry that she slapped him in the middle of the common room, whiping confusion on to his face. She was outraged and ran away to be alone, like she had so many days the last month. Ginny ran to a deserted classroom she had discovered, in which stood a piano. She didn't know how to play, but she learned it with the time, after she had discovered sheets of music stashed in a cupboard in the corner. All in all, it was a cosy room, also containing a squishy armchair and a desk to write on. In the middle of playing a new Mozart piece she was learning, she felt eyed, which made her feel creepy, and she changed her location to the very end of the library. Little did she know she was in fact being obseverd, by none other than Draco Malfoy.

It was Sunday the 9th, and she was in her custom spot, her eyes glistening with memories of the moments she had shared with Harry, when: 'You're blocking my light, please relocate yourself', she said without looking up, and attempted to dry her tears with the corner of her sleeve.

'Now why would I do that?' Ech, she hated that voice, it belonged to the git that had ruined the bond with her family and damaged her soul.

'Whaddoyouwant', she grumbled.

'Have you been crying?'


'Oh come on, get over it Weaslette. Nobody cares... Ah, here's Troubles with Trolls - No Problem. Well, I'd better get going, or your emoness (yeah i made that up. Oh the cleverness of me *I love you if you understood that*) is going to catch on. See ya round.'
See ya round? No better insult could have crossed your mind, idiot?, he thought sarcastically.

'Yes, shove off, Idiot. Have I mentioned that I hate you?'

'That's the Weaselette I know', he replied with his famous smirk that made you want to punch him in the nose.

Yeah, go on like that Malfoy. You just wait 'till my Polyjuice Potion is ready, I'll screw your life up so badly. She had a plan, Ginny did, and it was evil and genius enough to be coming from a Slytherin.
All she'd have to do was polyjuice into Draco and act against all ways that he would, and finally steal his diary and plaster the pages around school. This was where the Gryffindor in her came back to life, because although Malfoy had told her about the magical dresser, she wasn't sure if it was Polyjuice-proof. Oh well, she wouldn't be stopped by that. She was the girl that had fought alongside Harry and his friends in the Battle of the Ministry, she could take a little of Draco's rage.

And if he decided to do anything more to her, she'd get personal. Who could take better pictures of a naked Draco's body than someone who wouldn't carry the shame? Who would be less affected by a Draco running around school naked than someone who'd do it but never really feel pity? (I have no idea what i just wrote)
No one.
In one week it'd be ready.
Time for payback.

Kinda short chapter... I'm really sorry for not updating but i just didn't pull myself together enough to type it, but i actually already have the papers for chapter seven too and i know how i'll continue in chapter eight, so my only u really is getting up enough to actually get the digital form written. Thanks to @lotr_locked who was really anxious for me to contionue, thanks Franka!

Today my twinniie taught me that people are really confused if you end your sentence a diffirent way than POTATO

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