-3- A trip to the headmaster

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As they were on their way to the headmaster, they talked and laughed alot. This attracted many wondering looks of their fellow students. Ginny Weasley, Gryffindor, and Draco Malfoy, Slytherin, just passing along, laughing and talking as friends? How? Simply how did it happen without something exploding or going up in flames? But Ginny and Draco had bonded, they knew it.

'It's funny how we learned more about eachother than our friends know about us in half a night', Ginny said.

'God that sounds wrong ... And, Weasle, about that. Don't expect us to be friends, just because I tolerate you doesn't mean i like you'. Shit, that shouldn't have come out like that. Actually, I do like you but i'd never admit such to any living soul. I didn't mean it Ginny, I'm sorry. But he only said it inside his head, so no one could hear it but him.

Immediatley cold fell between them, Ginny was a little sad, but she wouldn't let him notice. 'Yeah, you're right'

AAAAAAAAAARGH his mind screamed, NO, I didn't mean it, please don't say i'm right, for once...

They walked in silence until they reached the entrance to Dumbledore's bureau. 'Licorice Snail', Draco said shortly. After they climbed the stairs, they stumbled into the most pecurliar room at Hogwarts, filled with all sorts of magical instruments, and on Dumbledore's desk stood a bowl of Lemon Drops.

'Hello Mr Malfoy and Ms Weasley. I heard you had a rather enjoyable night together. Aah, the joy of young love'

'Excuse me? No one said anything about love. We were just talking and forgetting the world around us. It will never be more than this between me and Draco', Ginny corrected him.

Secretly, this hit Draco right in the heart. He had realised how much he liked the weight of her head on his shoulder, the strawberry smell of her hair, her beautiful kissable lips and her amazing brown eyes. She's a Weasley, he thought, I can't possibly be falling for her. Not in a million years! A kiss and my father would kill me. Yes, he knew it. Although he didn't want to, he was falling in love with the girl he would have least expected - Ginny Weasley.

'Mr Malfoy, I was asking for your opinion' Dumbledores voice brought him back to reality.

'Please repeat the question, sir'

'I was asking your opinion on Harry leaving Hogwarts with Ms Chang'

'I can't believe the git just broke Ginnys heart like "oh never mind, i love an other". It's absolutely tactless and a beautiful girl like Ginny shouldn't be treated that way. He can't just leave Hogwarts, does he even care about his friends and Ginny. No! I will not let him do this, and one day i will hunt him down and punish him for treating Ginny this way. She deserves better!'

Had he really said that? The other two were staring at him, Ginny looked just as suprised as he must have, and Dumledore looked quite amused.

'Aah, yes. Well, if you both insist it was Mr Potters fault this incident "they spent the night in the bathroom" ever hapenned, i shall believe you. You wont get detention, but i will have to leave the housepoints as they are. Very well, off you shall go', he said to the still baffled looking kids. (Yes they're just kids) They turned and left at the same time.

Outside Dumbledores office Ginny found her voice back. 



'Umm, thanks for being so protective, Draco, I, ... , I just wanted to thank you for being so nice to me and comforting me and everything. I'll, ... , I'll be off to my common room, the others are probably waiting. And, do you really think it's foul of Harry, what he did or did you just say it cause you hate him?'

'Never miss a chance to make your enemies look bad. What makes you think i'd defend you? You know I hate you and always will. You're the Weasleys sister, a blood traitor and scum. I had to get a chance to make Saint Harry look bad infront of Dumbledore somehow and the chance was great. I have always and will always hate you', this was how he decided to cover up his fury towars Potter and his love for Ginny, when what he really wanted to say was: Yes, I think you don't deserve it, and you're really a beautiful girl, btw. Yet he knew he wasn't aloud to like her, and it had to go back to normal. He had to hate her and he didn't want to make her life harder than it was. He should never have looked at her in that bookstore before his second year, he should never have talked to her, then he maybe wouldn't even had known she existed. Then he wouldn't be falling for a girl his father would never approve of. Then his life wouldn't be so complicated. Then he wouldn't be crushing on Ginny Weasley since 5 years. 

Why am i crushing on Ginny friggin-Rons-sister Weasley when there are other girls to? Ugh, why does she have to be so damn hot and attractive and smartass and in some way badass and just so unbelieveable? Draco Malfoy, you never had a choice, it's your destiny to have a complicated life and figure out how to master it. These were his thoughts on the whole thing. He should never have let his true feelings for Ginny take over him and go apologize. He should have never messed with her, he knew he had just done something horriable. He had hurt her truly, not like those little remarks he usually made, but right in the heart. I'm not better than Potter, I'm an arse. But that's my destiny. To be hated. urgh it sucks.

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