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So like I haven't update in what, more than a year? But yeah, if any of you still follow this story, updates will be out by 1/9/2017, but sould come before.

In the meantime, if it's not too outrageous (which it kinda is), I plead that you go read some of my other stories. I'm writing normal short stories and requested stories, then also a short story book just for viners and youtubers, and then, WHICH ARE MY MOST IMPORTANT AND INSPIRED PROJECTS ATM, AN ALEX ERNST X READER FANFICTION (first chapter published) AND AN AXL ROSE X READER FANFICTION (work in progress)...

So please, if you like any of that, head over to my other stories and read some AND PLEASE PLEASE GIMMEH SOME REQUESTS because I love writing especially for you. 

Thank you and so much love,


(also all the best wishes for 2017 <3)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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