-2- A night in a Bathroom

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'What do you two think you're doing here?' , the snarring voice of Professor Snape said as he woke them up.

They hadn't noticed when they had fallen asleep, they had just sat there and talked. About their miserable love-lives that weren't all that miserable, for after all she was the hottest girl and he the hottest boy of the school, but it still wasn't right, because of all the people they could have they didn't have the ones they wanted.

Apparently, Draco had caught Pansy, his girlfriend, making out with Blaise, his bestfriend, in this bathroom one dreadful night when he had expected to shock some making out lovers when he walked in on them. Ever since he had not spent time with them and wandered around alone. Ginny agreed, she had seen him way less with his friends lately, not at all actually.

They had talked about Quidditch, the rivalry of their houses, Professor Sprout's crying Mandrakes and Professor Snape's nearly deadly Potions lessons. 'He needs to be just a tiny bit nicer to us, terrified students don't pick up that good, because they're .... well ... terrified', Ginny exclaimed. He had laughed at this. 'i guess, but he's my house teacher so i'm kinda used to it' 'No one can get used to that, unless you don't have a heart' Eventually they had fallen asleep, Ginny leaned against Draco.


And now this lovely peace had been disturbed by Snape, who had been looking for them due to two students not returning to their dormitories last night. He even checked the Room of Requirement.

'I shall have to contact your parents, Mr Malfoy and Ms Weasley, for it is unacceptable for you two to vanish for everyone to wonder and be out past curfew!'

'Our parents?!?', they both shouted the same moment.

'Oi, i see the two of you have built up a connection over night. I shall see to informing your parents about that as well'

'NO!', once again shouted the same moment. Itt was a highly uncomforting situation for'the two of them', but it was to become worse. no doubt the whole school would find out within seconds, although nothing had happened between them.

'Professor, surely you can't be serious? Couldn't we just be sent to the headmaster? You know my parents would disown me is they knew i got anywhere near this blood-traitor' Malfoy sounded alarmed.

'Well, my brother will shun me if they knew i spent the night alone with this insufferable git. Don't bother telling my family, i'm sure Ron will be more than happy to be the one breaking the news and making me fly off my spot as favourite' Ron was the only one of the brothers still left at the school.

'Fine, but i'm only doing this because both of your excuses seem legit. You will however be attending a weeks detentions and a meeting with the headmaster'

Many may have said Ron's reaction to the news was priceless, both Ginny and Draco found it rather embarassing.

'MALFOY! Of all the boys in the world it had to be MALFOY! Draco-bloody-Malfoy!' He had screamed as they had stepped into the hall, he had been fetched as he had been worried sick about her. Acompanying him was Professor McGonagall.

'Well excuse me, but i do have a life of my own'

'Oh, so as soon as my bestfriend's gone you go around snogging other people?'

'Ron, we weren't snogging eachother! We were just talking, i promise!'

'Yes, but why can't you go talk to someone descent?'

'Excuse me, but i would like to call myself descent: At least i can afford new robes, Weasley!', Malfoy came between.

'Shut your mouth Malfoy, going on and bothering my sister like that when she ought to be with someone comforting her!'

'Ron! I will not have you speak about Draco like that! He was comforting me and i really enjoyed talking to him, he understood, not like you always sticking with Harry, because we all know he's a Saint! God damn Ron, just stay out of my business for once, please!'

That gave Ron the final kick! Angrily he pulled out his wand and aimed it at Malfoy. Before he could say anything though the teachers, who had been standing next to them the whole scream-fest, stood between.

'Now-now, Mr Weasley, we wouldn't want to get into a fight infront of the teachers, would we? Off you go now, while me and Professor Snape take care of these two. And i forbid you to tell your parents about this incident, Mr Weasley. Thank you'

And with that, Ron was sent off.

'I have already given them a weeks detention, Minerva, and they shall be sent to Dumbledore. I also suggest 30 points from Gryffindor and Slytherin'

'Yes, that should do. 30 points from Gryffindor and Slytherin'

And with that they were sent off to the headmaster.


Whew, another chapter already. I'm kinda proud! @foreverhp934 thanks for encouraging me, ly twinniiie

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