-9- The girl I cannot love

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Meanwhile, Ginny made her way back up to Gryffindor Tower and morphed back into herself. She felt the hard cover of the diary in her robe's pocket, and had to dig her fingernails into the palms of her hands to stop the huge rush of exitement coming up inside her. She felt like she was gonna puke any minute. After all, she had just broken about 27 school rules and 4 british laws.

And she was sure Draco knew who had taken the diary. While kissing him had seemed a good idea at the time, it gave him a huge chance to do some deductions, plus she was sure she had already been turning into herself back then. Ginny needed a plan, a tactic, and she needed it fast. If Draco should threaten her in any way, she would have to go way more private then just stealing the diary.

Because by now, all she'd done was wreak havoc in Draco's name. But this was Hogwarts, and that would be forgotten in a couple days. She had to do aomething way deeper if she wanted staying damage that he would be so ashamed of he wouldn't even be able to tell his father about it.

So what ginny-us (genius) plan could she come up with? It couldn't be something lame, it had to be harsh and evil. Like plastering his diary everywhere. Or running around naked as him. Or what? Draco would catch up to her, she wasn't allowed to miss her chance. So she stashed the diary in the bottom of her trunk, grabbed the marauders map and set off through a secret passageway down to the kitchen, where she got herself cookies and milk and made herself comfy in an armchair near the fire while house-elves buzzed around her and prepared supper.


'Pffffffffflt', was the sound of milk being spit out of someones mouth. Well, Ginny's of course.
What the hell? What did he think while writing? 'No matter how much I love her', 'I think I'm falling for her', 'I'll never have a chance', 'I lied to her about hating her, but what could I do?'. And finally he'd even gone so far as to say: 'I'm glad Potter is gone, it makes me feel like I have the chance I never will. But just the thought of being with her grosses me out. How can I be so torn in feelings? I long to be with her, touch her, but at the same time I'm disgusted to even think the blood-traitor called Weaselette.'

No, just no! The whole image seemed wrong. Draco loving her? No, this had to be some kind of joke. Or a security-enchantment in case someone other than Draco tried to read it. On the other hand, it would be stupid to put him loving Ginny as a cover-up! What could possibly be more embarrassing than that? Plus, Draco had obviously thought his diary would be safe in the dresser and the chances of an enchantment were small. Ginny couldn't figure it out. Her brain went into overdrive, and then it all just switched off. She felt her eyes shutting and heard Dobby shouting commends in the distance. 'Everybody halt! Someone catch Miss Weasley. Winky, please go get some cold water, hey... he....'

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