-4- Draco you are an arse

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'So you hate me? Really? After all the secrets I've told you? Oh I knew it. You are a complete arse, Draco Malfoy. Get lost', Ginny said with tears in her eyes. She didn't know why. Actually, she did but she didn't want to accept the reason.

'Why should I accept an order from you, Weaslette? Of course I hate you, why on earth would it be diffirent? Weaslette, against anything I might've said, it's true that no boy would want to be with you because of you. It's just because of your good looks. See, even I have to admit it ... Anyway, yeah, I'm going to get lost now rather than talk to you any longer'

The hurt look in her face pierced right into his heart, as he knew he was the one that had caused it. But he knew it was the right thing to do. They weren't allowed to be together, because otherwise their parents would kill them. he had to be her enemy and not let her know he loved her. She hated him and it would make his life hell if anyone found out he fancied the youngest Weasley. He would never, ever let his nice side shine out again, he promised himself. That's life, it'll never miss a chance to slap you in the face. And when it does, it doesn't only mean pain for yourself but also for those we love. 


He left her standing there, her mouth standing wide open by such cruelty.

What did I expect? For us to be best friends forever? For him to actually like me? Why do I even want him to like my? Why would i ... ? No!  No, Ginny Weasley, please don't. Don't be falling for him, he's obviously bad for you! For once, listen to your mind and not your heart. He isn't good for anyone. He just hurt you deeply. Stay away from him. Her mind had spoken. She would never, ever waste another thought on him. She was slightly sad as she headed off towards the Gryffindor common room.


So 'tis a short chapter, but that's only because I wanted to bring up something new in the next chapter and name it accordingly. Love you all. -Leah

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