-1- I hate you!

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I hate you!

Ginny was absolutely furious! How could he just run off with Cho and leave her? What did Cho have that she didn't? Beauty? Smarts? From what Ginny new (from other boys) this wasn't missing in her.

But he had left Hogwarts with her and left Ginny confused and heartbroken, while her brother Ron still stood up for his best friend. 'Maybe he was confunded or jinxed', he said. But she new he hadn't. His eyes had been filled with upmost sincerity when he had broke up with her because he 'loved Cho in a way she could't understand'.

He was right, it was totally unexplainable to her. Probably because so many boys want to date me, she thought, i don't like the idea of one saying he doesn't. Despite knowing this was probably true, she rushed to an empty classroom and cried.

Suddenly the door blew open and someone stormed inside. 'Pansy I'm sorry I didn't mean to but you wouldn't understand, and I followed you because you were crying and... Oh it's just the weaselette.', the way-too-familiar-i-do'nt-pity-you-voice of Draco Malfoy said.

'Shut up and leave me alone', Ginny said while trying to stop her sobs. It was so embarassing.

'Aww, did Potty leave you for the asian girl? I always knew he would someday.'

'I said SHUT UP!' She took her wand out and pointed it at his throat.

'You wouldn't dare, I know you...'

'Try me! And what on earth gives you the right to say 'you know me'? You've never talked with me more than 20 seconds in which you just called me 'scum' & 'blood-traitor''. She was now screaming in fury. A suprise that the whole school wasn't surrounding them yet.

'Geez, calm down Weasley. I'm sorry about you and Potter... NOT! Well anyway, i have more important stuff to do than listen to your screaming, stupid girl. Bye' And with that he left.

'I hate you Malfoy!'

'All the better' a distant shout sounded.


She left the classroom to go to the bathroom of the third floor and cry. She was furious at Harry and at Malfoy for being such douches. Why couldn't Malfoy just shut his fastering gob (shoutout to Léonie here) for two seconds when she really wanted to be alone? But she was probably even more angry at Harry. That arrogant git just le.. Wait Draco was the arrogant git, not Harry. She couldn't expect him to be hers all her life, afterall. He didn't love her and she had to be fine with it.

Then, the door openned with a slight creacking noise. This was already the second time today, she was getting used to it.

But when she looked up, she almost froze in shock. Standing in the doorway was no other than Draco.

'Hey Ginny, listen I'm sorry about earlier today and I shouldn't've said those mean things' She just stared. Had someone taken polyjuice-potion and made them look like him to play a prank?

'I know how it feels, believe it or not, I do own a heart and it's been broken'

'You're kidding me Malfoy! You have a heart and it has been broken?'

'Yep, here in this bathroom. But you don't want to know the details' She started to wake up out of her trance and he walked over to sit next to her on the floor.

'Malfoy, you do know that if you get caught in the girls bathroom you will loose more housepoints than Slytherin even has!'

'I am fully aware of that, Weasel girl'

'Don't call me rhat, or i will start calling you ... ehm ... Malfo boy. Naw, that doesn't sound mocking, really'

She leaned her head against his shoulder and to her suprise, he didn't back away.

'You know, Weasley, we have pretty much in common'

'Yeah, sure Malfoy, of coure'

Then they laughed. It was a light laugh, not a pressed one, but friendshiply, like they were just laughing about an unspoken possibility that they knew both were thinking about.


Authors Note: OMG both you and i just finished chapter 1 of my fanfic. I would just want to make this cheesy little thanks to my fabulous twinniie kim, thx for helping me find a life -.-'

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