-5- His Diary

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Draco arrived in the Slytherin common room. The room was gloomy and lit by a giant chandelier. A fire was crackling in the fireplace and squishy armchairs were placed all around the room. In the corner stood a special dresser, every Slytherin student had his own drawer and only they could open it, all others would have the name of the owner burned into their hand if they tried it, which would give them away. Some people didn't care about the dresser, but Draco did. He kept his most important posession in there. It asn't anything valuable, but if anybody read it, especially a Slytherin, his life would become hell. It was his diary.

(WHAAAT? Malfoy keeps a diary? OMG that is so girly and he wouldn't do that! Hey, it's Fiction, made-up and i think it's kinda cute)

He went up to a secret room under his bed of which only he knew and took out his ink & quill, settling down in an armchair that had already been placed in the room. He wondered if the other boys in his dormitory knew they had secret rooms under their bed, he had checked to see if they had. Crabbe and Goyle definetly didn't, they were to thick. Anyway, he began to write:

November 4, Sunday

I feel really bad for Ginny and I'm kinda worried. Harry broke her heart yesterday and she was crying like crazy. I insulted her and she looked like she was going to kill me. I wanted to apologize so I waited for her behind a corner, when she rushed by me into an out-of-order girls bathroom. I decided to follow her despite the trouble I would get into. I knew I shouldn't be nice to Ginny and shouldn't let her know I have a soft side, but I couldn't stand to see her like that, she didn't look like herself.

I sat with her and she leaned her head against me, I loved the feeling of the warmth of her body and put my arm around her. She didn't back away. We talked and for some reason we told eachother our deepest secrets and fears. She told me she is scared of the dark and when I told her I keep a diary, she sniggered and said she did to.
When it became nighttime and it got dark, she leaned even closer to me and I told her she needn't fear anything if I was with her. Her reply was a smile that made me go all fuzzy.
Next thing I know, Snape is growling down at us and we get sent to the Headmaster. Then I told Ginny she shouldn't think we were friends, which kinda split us apart. I didn't want to hurt her, but I shouldn't have comforted her in the first place. It was stupid of me because I knew I had to be mean to her again after due to my father and it would hurt her even more if I said cruel things after our bonding.
But eventually, at Dumbledore's office, I defended her towards Potter and almost let some hints of my feeling for her slip. I was extremely angry about him doing this to her. Outside the office I told her I only said this because I wanted to make Harry look bad and that I hated her. She looked like a world had just collapsed around her and then shouted at me to get lost and all about how much she hates me, and her look turned to pure hatred. It pierced my heart.
I knew it was best fo both of us if we didn't become friends, no matter how much I love her. Maybe if she hadn't talked to me in Flourish and Blotts, I wouldn't even know she exists. Maybe I would never have fallen for her. Maybe I could think clear if she was around. Maybe I'd hate her like I hate all other Weasleys. Maybe I'd mean all insults I made towards her. Maybe I'd be Pansy's boyfriend. Maybe I could me who everyone wants me to be. Maybe...

He stayed beneath his bed another hour, sitting there and thinking about Ginny. He wished they had been born into other families, ones that would tolerate them falling in love, marrying and having 3 children.

Guys I am so extremely sorry you had to wait this long but I wasn't motivated at all so yeah... I hope you like it and I know it isn't a interesting chapter, but keep that diary hold in your memory '-'

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