Chapter 1: Another Day.

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Lloyd POV

It was just another day on the Bounty. The smell of Coles cooking making you gag, Kai screaming at Jay about a video game, the sight of smoke coming from the engines that Nya and Zane are trying to fix, and the hard tap of Sensei's stick on your head.


That hurt.


I sighed and stretched my neck out a little more for the 'pinching crab.'

"Uncle, I don't get it! Why do I have to train while all my friends get to have fun?" I stretched my fingers and toes a little, making them crack.

"Because." Sensei paused, taking a sip of his tea, his white beard waving in the wind. "You must be on your toes for anything that might happen."

"And the others don't have to?" I struggled with this knowledge. It didn't make sense.

"The others have there own practices," Sensei informed me, taking another sip of his tea, then refilling his cup. Sure. Like playing video games and cooking.

"But what abo-"

"No buts," Sensei snapped at me. "Now, 'swooping crane.'"

I sighed, moving into position. Not like my body, my mind was in another world. The world of dream. Dream world.

I guess some people call it 'dreamland' or 'la la land.' That makes sense too.

Another whack on the head got me focusing once more. Sensei moved my arm like a quarter of an inch. A teeny tiny bit. "Better."

Yes. Because that so helps. Thanks, uncle.

I sighed for the third time and rolled my eyes.

Yup. Just another day.

A streak of blue tore past me, hitting the arm that Sensei moved and causing me to loose balance. I crashed, almost missing Jays hysterical scream.


The new mailman jumped, being swarmed by my brothers and the Water Ninja. He scratched his bald head nervously, glancing at the ninja. I moaned weakly from my place on the deck.

"Woah!" he said in his scratchy voice. "Didn't expect that." He looked kinda shaken.

Didn't expect that? DIDNT EXPECT THAT?!

I was the one trampled by a herd of elephants! I was the unexpecting one.

Kai helped me up, and walked me over to the mailman.

"Package for Nya, new machine parts or something," he mumbled. "Zane, an eye for the falcon. Jay, a letter from your parents. Kai, fourteen fan letters."

"Fourteen?" Kai exclaimed. "I beat my record!" He followed Nya and the others inside, tearing open the first one. I laughed and shook my head. One of these days, Kai was going to find a girl.

I knew that there was nothing for me. I never get anything. I just hoped this time would be different. Guess not.

I headed back to Sensei, who was fixing his hat thing. I don't even know what you call it! I got into my position once more, only this time facing the mailman.

The mailman kept reading the list. "Cole, a new jeep. Wait?! A jeep?!" This new mailman will have to get used to weird things coming in the mail.

"Ya!" Cole jumped up. "I was wondering when this would come!" He did a little boogie dance, scaring the mailman more in the process, since he was a ghost. "Thank you! Thank you...uh..."

"Harry," the mailman introduced himself. "Steve decided to quit this job, considering he used to have to climb the monastery stairs once a week, or bike after a flying ship. He said weird things came in the mail, but I didn't think it would be that weird."

"Well," Cole laughed. "You'd be surprised."

He transformed, entering the remote control miniature jeep. He zoomed around the Destiny's deck, cheering as he went. The mailman shuddered and turned toward Sensei, who was shaking his teapot upside down.

He must have run out of tea. Finally!

I would have done a little victory dance, but I was in the middle of the 'snapping hippo.'

"A tea order for Sensei Wu?"

Oh no. I watched in horror as Sensei took the four boxes he was offered and slapped my forehead.

More tea! He's always trying to get me to drink that stuff, but I don't want too! What happens if it's super good and I get attached to it too?!

"Nephew!" Sensei spoke from behind the four boxes he was holding. "Focus."

I watched in amazement as this old man carried the boxes, which cowered over him. I watched his back, disappearing behind a deck door. How did he know I stopped stretching?

"And stop gawking."

My mouth snapped shut. Wow. He really does have eyes on the back of his head!

Cole rode the small, black jeep in behind Sensei, all the while crying out, "Guys! Guys! Check this out!"

Well, I guess it's just me now. I gave up on my practice, now that nobody was outside with me. What's the point? Sensei will forget about me, since he has to organize his new tea now.

The mailman walked toward me. "Are you the Green Ninja?" he asked cautiously.

I looked up with my green and red eyes at my green headband, then down at my green ninja suit and shoes. "What makes you think that?" I feel bad about snapping, but some people are a little... Strange.

"Letter!" The mailman quickly shoved the letter into my hand and booked it off the Bounty. I must have scared him with my snapping.

Oh well.

I opened the letter and scanned the writing, expecting it to be from my parents. They were on vacation in New Ninjago City.

But it wasn't. I didn't recognize the hand writing.

And I didn't recognize the smell that came from it until it was too late.

I started coughing, choking on the ground.

What was happening to me?

I opened and closed my mouth, trying to breathe. I gasped and clawed at my throat, as if to get rid of the invisible rope choking me. Every breath burned with pain and used a lot of effort.

"Guys!" I rasped out. "Help!" I collapsed, no strength left to continue. I heard a few voices close to me. Kai and Jay.

"Stay awake Lloyd!"

"What's happening?" Jays asked concerned.

"I don't know!" Kai was frantic, moving the top of my GI so I could breathe more. "Get Sensei."

Jays feet pattered away, him yelling 'Sensei' the entire time.

"Stay awake Lloyd!" Kai slapped my face a little. "Keep those Christmas eyes open! Just a little longer," he begged.

But I couldn't. There was no strength left.

"Don't give up Lloyd.... Don't you.... Quit.....keep breathing....wu....coming...."

Everything. Went. Black.


Alligator here.

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It will be in other ninjas POV, letting you know. But I think it will mainly be in Lloyds because I'm used to him.

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