Chapter 51: Home to Cake.

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Cole POV.

Ember was merged into Kai.

Dom had managed to switch everyone's powers back.

Jay and Nya could touch once more.

HWR was stopped which means his minions, in the basement, were useless and dummylike.

The cake was in the fridge awaiting our return.

And somehow, Kai thought Nya was his girlfriend. I mean, it's a little weird because it was his sister, but then again, I think I would rather it be him who thought it.

Could you imagine if it was Zane?! I mean, this way Jay can't go crazy on anyone else. He wouldn't dare to hurt Nyas beloved brother.

"But. Who. Why. How. When. What. Where. Was."

The lightning ninja, who's power matches his mouth speed, has no idea what to say.

I was estatic.

"Kai?! You got him speechless!" I cheered, pounding Kai on the back. I did three twirls.

Jay glared. "No, Cole! I'm just astonished at why he would think that!"

"Why?" Kai asked, standing forward. "She seemed to be scared of you, Jay! She always moved away when you came close."

"Because we couldn't touch! The same thing might happen to Jay, like it did you, Kai!"

Kai frowned. "But you hugged me! And held my hand!"

"I always do that," Nya confessed. "When we were young our parents wouldn't let us go anywhere unless we held hands. That way, they knew we were safe. It stuck I guess. I wanted to feel safe so I held your hand."

Kai furrowed his brows in confusion and looked at the floor. "But I couldn't remember you."

Nya hugged him. "Do you now?"

Kai froze for a second, then nodded a little. "Yup. Getting there." Then, he flushed so red. Redder than the icing on my cake.

It was originally white to start with, but Jay, the idiot, poured red coloring into it. So now it's red.

So anyway, forget about my cake for now. Actually, don't. Cake comes first. Everything else is behind it.

Whatever. Kai turned red. I guess he finally realized that Nya was his sister.

Zane spoke up. "Brothers and teammates," he began.

I cut him off. "Uh? Zane? Isn't brothers and teammates the same thing? I mean, we are your brothers and teammates and-"

"Shut it, Coley-boy," Jay said in his I-know-everything-voice. "They are not the same thing. Nya is not a brother, but a teammate."

Nya smiled at Jay and kissed him. Kai groaned. "Now I remember."

Dominique squeaked. We all looked.

"Sorry!" she beamed. "I just found that so cute!"

Cute? Jay and Nya kissing? Was she sure she wasn't talking about my cake?!

We all looked strangely and Lloyd put his arm around her. "I did too!"

Ya, no. Green Ninja did not find that cute. He just wants to impress Dom.

That dummy.

He ain't getting cake.

Zane spoke again. "Can I continue?"

We all nodded. He cleared his throat. "Sensei just told me that we should come home and get some rest. He says that the crowd and tv shows have all gone home."

Thanks Zane, our walking, talking radio.

"Let's go home!" Jay cheered, fist pumping and leading Nya toward the doors. We followed.

I mean, who can stay here after what happened? I want to get home.

Home to my cake.

Maybe this one time, I will give everyone cake.

This one time.


Hey guys!! This was the last chapter. If any questions


But here, I pronounce a finish to this book. I realize I suck at adventure books and don't have a really fun time writing them. Sooooooooo

I'm going to continue Lloyd blogs!! Yayayayatayyaya!!!! Also some bonus chapters so KEEP READING

So questions? Ask?
And comment a lot. Love to see what you guys think



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