Chapter 4: The Christmas Eyes.

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"Lloyd?" Cole gulped, choking on his duck chowder. "You're alive?"

Zane reached across the table and pounded at Coles back, probably helping him choke more, than to get the food out of his lungs. Unless, it glued his lungs shut like it glued Jays mouth shut before.

Man, that was a night to remember.

Cole gave me a big hug, almost suffocating me. Well, it would have, but he was a ghost so it didn't really work. But it's the thought that counts, right?

"Ya!" I smiled sheepishly. I ran my hand through my hair. "Actually, I don't remember a thing."

"Don't remember a thing!" Cole wheezed. "You were dead! You should be dead!" He looked around in amazement, poking me in the legs and stomach and face. "Why aren't you dead?"

"Well, if you want me to die, I can go jump off the Bounty," I exclaimed sarcastically. Coles eyes bulged out of his ghostly head and he shook his head back and forth.

"No! I'm happy you're alive."

I smiled. Zane stood up from his spot and scanned me, which creeped me out because those blue lines seem to pick up everything that's wrong with me.

Like why I wasn't supposedly dead. I didn't get it! I mean, did they want me dead? I don't feel dead.

I felt over myself. I didn't feel dead.

I didn't feel like a ghost either. I smacked my hand on the counter.


Totally, completely alive. I bit my cheek from saying the word ouch out loud. Obviously it was my fault because I hit the counter without a reason. Kai, who had convinced me to stop sleeping and to come with him, looked at me with worry in his eyes.

Not the worry that I was hurt. The worry that I was mental.

Which I might be.

"Fly," I said lamely, hoping they would buy it.

They didn't.

I turned my attention back to Zane.

Zane blinked his eerie eyes at me, before turning his titanium self back to Cole and Kai, who were waiting for an explanation. 

"A disease has protected Lloyd from experiencing the full poison."

"But-but how is that possible?" Cole asked, turning from Kai to Zane. He obviously didn't miss Jay, who was going to apologize to Nya for something that I'm not sure what.

"He had a disease, an illness, that changed his eye color when he was little." All the boys leaned toward me and stared into my Christmas eyes. I squeezed them shut and Kai moaned.

"Open your eyes, kid."

"Nuh uh," I told them, shaking my head. "You are all going to stare like the creepers you are." I moved my hands around, trying to find the table for support.

Cole chuckled. "Ya, you're probably right, Lloyd." I nodded, closing my eyes tighter yet. I was right.

Kai sighed. "You are going to have to open them sometime, kid."

I shook my head, not going for his plan to make me open them. "I'm going to keep them shut for ever." I was determined I could do that. I didn't want them all to gaze into my Christmas eyes. Could I help it that I had a disease thingy when I was a baby, which made my eyes go weird and creep everyone out? No.

I felt around for a plate and fork as Zane continued talking. By the tone of voice, I could tell that Pixal was doing most of it, since he was still focusing on my eyes.

"This disease that Lloyd had, caused his eyes to change color, making them two colors, red and green. Because he recovered from this disease, he is now immune to many like it, making him immune to the Venomari's poison. All that was left of the disease is the red that scarred his emerald eyes."

"Wow!" Kai whistled, plopping something on my plate for me. "Sounds like a disease everyone would want. That Venomari's spit is nasty stuff." I took a bite and shudder, swallowing it with a loud gulp. Then, I picked up my glass and frowned. It was empty!

"Ya! Remember how you thought Sensei's beard was a snake?" Cole laughed, probably shaking his head. I could feel my glass getting colder, most likely the apple juice that Cole was pouring in. I took a big sip.

And I spit it back in.

"Iced tea?" I turned in amazement to Cole. Well, where Cole probably was. After all, I couldn't see, since my eyes were still shut. "Everyone knows I hate that stuff!" So, if I hate that stuff, I must hate tea, right? It only makes sense!


He didn't sound very sincere.

"Anyway," Zane went on, putting a new glass in my hand, "I'm sorry for not noticing that Lloyd had the disease right away." I felt another liquids being poured in my glass, and I quickly drowned the water. "Lloyd is very rare, because he survived this disease. One out of every thousand kids that have it, and survive. The others die."

"No problem," Kai claimed. "The kids alive, and that's all that mattered. Just be thankful that the poison couldn't take the full effect." He patted me on the back, but since I couldn't see it coming, I found myself being slapped around. 

Okay, this wasn't fun anymore.

I opened my eyes.  I blinked once, twice, then three times.

Instantly, Cole and Zane thrusted their heads in my vision and I backed up a little. I hit my cup and it fell onto my lap. Luckily it was empty.

"Give the kid some space!" Kai told his friends.

Thank you, Kai.

"I wanna see!" He looked me right in the eyes, breaking between the two other ninja. "Wow."

I felt rather embarrassed about having different eyes. The outside iris was a pretty bright emerald green that would practically glow-in-the-dark, but the small color strip next to the black hole thingy in my eye was red, making it look like I was an evil beast.

And I didn't like it. Little kids would run from me, frightened by the eyes. Most new people I met would stutter and act like everything's alright, when really they were waiting for me to attack them. And at Darkly's, I was teased and bullied about them, saying I was different. These eyes caused a lot of problems.

I looked at my teammates expectantly. "Guys?"

"Ya?" they all asked, making it sound like one voice.

I took a breath and grinned like a maniac. They all inched forward, if that was possible.

"Can I have some candy?"


Wow guys, just wow. There's the reason Lloyds alive! None of that "regenerating from the dead" junk.


Comment comment comment.

And who else wants Lloyds eyes, even if they are creepy?

Me. :).

I went over 1000 words by accident on this chapter, hope you don't mind ;)

Have a good night (for me) or day (for you) or night (for you too maybe)

Comment comment comment.

I loved the comments on the other chapters. They always 'complete my day' like someone commented.

So do a lot! :)

I hate it.
And by the way, I can't control what I write. I start and BAM! An hour went by and I'm done! Ikr? Crazy! And then I look back and am like 'I wrote that? Wow!"

Thanks for voting and commenting! :)

Sorry! Massive power out! More than 283 k without power! So... No updates for like a day :(
I could barely find wifi to update today!  By!

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