Chapter 6: Grilled Cheese are Always Eaten Different

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Zanes POV

We rushed upstairs. Cole kept mumbling the word 'food' and Kai kept shaking his head and whispering 'he actually has guts!'

I didn't get it. I thought everyone had guts. But whatever.

We all stumbled into the kitchen, drooling when we smelt the grilled cheese sandwiches.

Lloyd makes the best.

I sat down in my regular spot, next to Jay, who was next to Nya. Nya was next to where Sensei usually sits, at the head of the table, and Lloyd was across from her. Next to him was Cole, then Kai.

So I was facing the guy who didn't like milk.

I didn't get it! I mean, milk is something that helps you grow strong and healthy. Yet, Kai didn't like it.

Almost as crazy as Jay not liking pancakes. Or Cole not liking peanut butter. Or Lloyd not liking hot dogs.

All I don't like is Coles duck chowder.

We all settled down and Lloyd brought out his food. And milk, much to Kai's distaste. But, Lloyd brought one glass of water, just for Kai. Jay smeared ketchup on the side of his grilled cheese before stuffing his face.

And Kai gagged at the sight. "I don't know how people can eat grilled cheese with anything else. They are supposed to be plain, not with mushed tomatoes."

Jay nosed the air. "It makes me feel different. Deal with it." He shoved more into his mouth, leaving a smear on his face. I took a bite of my sandwich, watching the scene unfold before me.

Nya smiled and wiped the ketchup off the side of Jays mouth.

Kai covered his mouth with both hands and made a fake puking sound. I wasn't disturbed, and I was sitting next to Jay.  They were just showing affection. It's not like they were kissing or anything.

Wouldn't Kai like that?

I placed two big tomato pieces on my own grilled cheese and took another bite.

Kai was turning a strange color.  "That is just disgusting," he claimed. I just chewed, enjoying the taste.  Who doesn't like tomatoes?

Lloyd came out and place a bowl of watermelon on the table, and next to it, napkins. Cole eagerly reached.

I slapped his hands, well, tried too. They went right through his arms, but he got the message. "That is for dessert." After all, I love watermelon, so we should eat it last.

Cole pouted, picking up his grilled cheese once more. He placed the corner of his grilled cheese into the milk, and then he took a huge bite, almost eating half of the sandwich in one bite. Kai inched away.

He had long thrown away his sandwich. "I lost my appetite," he moaned, holding his stomach. "Zane eats his sandwich with tomatoes, Cole eats it with milk, and Jay..." He turned a little green. "Eats his with ketchup."

We just all continued eating. Kai just placed his hands on his head. Nya was the only one eating a regular sandwich.

After making sure everything was on the table, Lloyd took his seat and grabbed his own lunch. Then, he poured himself a huge glass of milk. Kai watched curiously. Next he placed tomatoes on his own sandwich, and squeezed half the bottle of ketchup on it. He dipped his grilled cheese into his glass.

He combined all three eating methods.

Then he turned to Kai and shoved the entire ketchup, tomato, and milk soaked sandwich, in his mouth. He chewed and it made a weird sucking sound. Then, he sloshed it around and opened his mouth.

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