Chapter 18: Meeting Deaths Sad Goodbyes.

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My stomach dropped as the floor fell faster then us. It was the worst feeling in he world, like you wanted to hurl your lunch into the toilet.  The floor opened and the elevator jammed, causing us to fall through it.

I screamed but nothing came out. Nothing except air. Embers eyes grew wide as she jerked back up, Coles hand tangling in her hair. Her hand reached out and I flung myself with all I had, but it wasn't enough.

Her fabric fumbled in my shaking fingers as I searched for some grip. She scraped my hand with her fingers, trying to grab a hold of me. I started crying, panicking as I was hanging over a enormous drop. We were on the top floor of the building.

But my sweaty hands couldn't grab ahold and I slipped away.

Slipped to doom.

There was nobody there to catch me, unlike before. As I look up through my black hair that was now a little past my shoulders, I saw Jays head popped through the now open door. Crazy eyes locked with mine, which held hope, that went crushing away as I fell. So much emotion in them.

A tear slipped off my cheek and seemed to float in air as my heavy body split the air between me and the drop.

"Noooo!" His voice rang out through the shaft, almost slow motion like. I looked down, the floor getting closer and closer. This was my fait. I will accept that. "Nya!" I closed my eyes and concentrated, images flashing before me. Jay and I, kissing on the couch. Cole dipping Lloyd in the chicken pot. Zane making Lloyd dress in heels. Kai spray painting Sensei's chair, saying 'I love beanbags,' and Embers hair flowing perfectly through my hands.

This was it. Jays face swam in my vision and I looked up at my first and only love, his tear stained face. "Goodbye, Jay. I love you." Another tear 'floated' away.

Fight! Sensei's voice echoed since the day I was training. You give up too easily, Nya. Mistakes help you learn.

He was right. In the split 5 seconds I had till death, I knew that I could survive. I had to survive! Jay needed me-I mean everyone needed me! I focused all my energy I had and I quickly did a movement with my hand and felt the power leave. It didn't work.

My water power couldn't save me. Nothing could. With my energy gone, I closed my eyes for the last time.

I collapsed into nothingness.

I didn't do nothing.

I tried.


Jays POV

"No!" I screamed. "Nya!" I just about jumped after her as she looked back through her gorgeous black hair.

She mouthed the words that will forever be in my heart. "Goodbye, Jay. I love you." Then she turned, no longer struggling, and fell forever.

I stumbled blindly in shock past Cole, who was helping Ember up, shaking off Kai.

I needed to save Nya. I needed to save her!

I didn't even see her fall all the way down.

Kai tackled me to the ground, away from the danger that I put myself in. "It won't help if we loose you too, Jay!" His voice cracked and we turned, sitting back to back, crying. Zane came over, scanning everyone.

I didn't even argue with him. Usually, I was screaming at him, telling him how weird it was that he could check our inwards to see if we were okay.

But not today. Today, I was in shock. It didn't seem real. Nya? Gone?

"I can't loose her!" I yell, tears blinding my vision. I kick a chair. "I'm so useless!" Cole struggled toward the bad men, tied in the corner.

Nobody tried to stop me. Ember went whimpering over to Lloyd, who was laying in a heap in the corner. I couldn't tell if it was because he was crying, or he was hurt so bad it hurt to move.

I think both.  I kicked the chair again and again, the only noise coming from the crashes. Otherwise, silence.

"AH!" Kai startled my chair kicking and whirled around, pointing a finger at Ember. "It's your fault!" he screamed, rage taking him over so he was shaking super bad. "If it wasn't for you, Cole would have grabbed Nya and it would all be okay!"

"Kai!" Zane seemed startled as well, by the fire ninjas outburst.

"Shut up!" He threw a punch in Zane's direction and missed. One of the bad guys in the corner stirred. "My sister is DEAD, because of her!" He spat in Embers direction. "If you weren't here, she would be alive and well! You don't deserve to live!"

Zane snuck up on Kai, but the fire ninja heard him and whirled around. Zane blocked his punches. He pinned Kai's arms behind him, and I could just make out Kai's red face through my blurry vision.

Zane pressed two fingers to the back of Kai's head and his eyes rolled forward. He fell unconscious, on the floor.

I sniffled. Ember whimpered. Lloyd squeezed her closer. Cole wiped his eyes. Zane obviously turned off his emotions. He knew he had to keep us together. He needed to help.

And I needed help. Serious help.

I think I just saw Nya die.


Hey guys! Just so get a glimpse of what's happening.....BWHAHAHA! Next chapter will be this weekend or Sunday. We'll see.

I feel different. Evvvvvilll


What is this feeling? I do not know!

YAAAAA, *insert crazy laugh here*

*cough cough**clears throat*

Sorry, bout that. It's been a good day. The first awesome day in a while :). So comment! What do u think will happen? No swearing please. :)


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