Chapter 13: Pepperoni Eyebrows

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Cookies POV

I ran my hand threw my hair, which was kind of hard, since Nya nicely did it in a French Braid.

I've never had my hair done before. I don't even know how to braid!

Nya was still smiling as she led me up the stairs, the boys already seated since Lloyd called that supper was ready.

And I was a nervous wreak. Right before the door, I paused, listening the boys laughing. Could I do it? Could I go in there, and introduce myself?

"Hey ya. I'm Ember, ya know? The guy who fought Lloyd?"

Nuh uh. Not happening.

It seems I didn't get a choice since Nya shoved me in the room. I squeaked and everyone looked.


Lloyd was pouring water and he didn't even notice when it went over the brim of the cup and onto Zane's pants.

I hid behind Nya.

All eyes were on me, and I wasn't used to it. Talk about uncomfortable. Kai wiped some pizza sauce off his face while gaping at me. Nya frowned down at them all.

The only one who wasn't looking at me, was Jay. He was too focused on Nya, lovestruck. It was actually kind of cute. Except he took another bite of his pizza and chewed with his mouth open, too in love to notice. And he had a pepperoni piece stuck to his eyebrow, that he didn't seem to feel.

While Lloyd, Kai, Cole, and Zane stared, Nya pulled me back out. "Guys! Be polite!"

Kai instantly stood, offering me his chair, that was next to Lloyd. I refused, telling him that he had to sit too. Instead, Nya pulled me another chair, with pink spray paint on it, toward the head of the table, between her and Lloyd.

I wonder why the chair said 'beanbags'

I carefully grabbed the vegetarian pizza, reaching over my cup.

Nya frowned down Kai, who was again stuffing his mouth, but smiled sweetly at Jay, wiping the pepperoni slice off. He growled at Cole.

"That's why you guys were laughing!"

"Cole took an excellent shot!" Zane expressed, nodding at Kai, who was beaming at me still.

Uh. What do I do?

Nya cleared her throat and coughed. "Kai." He looked away quickly. Nya must have some authority.

Cole beamed, puffing out his chest. "It was my idea," Lloyd grumbled. He used his fork to take off piece of his cheese pizza, twirling it around and around before placing it in his mouth.

I took a bite of my pizza, watching the scene unfold before me. Did they know me? Do they know who I am? And they are okay with that?

Cole shot icicles at Lloyd, chewing angrily. He swallowed. "It was my shot!"

Kai smirked. "Well, the kid did give you the idea. And it was my pepperoni."

Jay took Coles side. "So because Cole took Kai's pepperoni and Lloyd got the idea, you think that you are responsible for that shot!?"

Lloyd and Kai looked at each other and nodded. "Exactly." I noticed how close they must be, since they knew what the other person would say. And they had the same smirk. And they agree with each other. Always.

Zane had wiped the water that Lloyd had spilt. "What are you guys even arguing about?" He flinched as he noticed that the wet stain had yet to disappear.

Nya gazed at Jay. "Jays right!" Of course she would agree with her boyfriend.

At least, I think they were together.

That got Lloyd and Kai frowning and they looked at each other for a split second. They must have given up arguing, since they weren't getting anywhere.

Silence followed, and Lloyd looked at me nervously. He fumbled with his napkin before going back to eating.

Well he must know who I am. Kai snorted and raised an eyebrow at Lloyd, who glanced at Cole and covered a laugh himself. Obviously not wanting Cole to wonder what was going on, Kai turned to Nya.

"So Nya," Kai asked. He took a sip of water. "Who's your friend?"

I choked on my Grape Crush, spitting it back into my cup. Nya slapped me on the back and I gasped for breath. I picked up my napkin off the floor, since it fluttered there when I coughed. When I got my act together, I looked around the table.

Zane completely ignored the problem, still wiping his pants. I wondered if the white was see-through.

Cole was staring at me, not in shock, but with interest, probably wondering who I am. He didn't seem to notice the new piece of pepperoni on his face. Kai's pepperoni.

Kai and Lloyd were exactly the same, watching me carefully. They each took a bite of their cheese pizza, exactly the same time, waiting my answer.

I mean, what's with that?

Jay...well Jay was watching Nya. I seriously wonder if he notices anything else.

I looked around the table for help, but of course there was nobody but Nya, who was wiping Jays mouth.

Didn't they recognize my eyes? I held my breath, before breathing out slowly. "I'm Ember."

A fork clattered to the ground and Cole held his cup so hard, it shattered. "WHAT?!"

That matched the moment well.

"Ya." I copied Lloyd and fiddled with my napkin. "Did I forget to tell you?" I asked sheepishly.

"Okay, NO!" Kai stood up. "SHE is not training with us!" Oh no. I don't want to go back. I want to stay here.

Lloyd pulled Kai back down quickly and quietly. "She won! She has to, Kai."

Cole nodded at Kai. He didn't seem a little upset that I was a girl. "She beat Lloyd, Kai. She's staying. We need her." Zane agreed.

Kai growled but didn't say anything. I mean, there wasn't much to say. They talked silently in telegraphic or something. Kai just stared, and finally, after Nyas glare, he sighed.


Vigorously, I nodded and beamed. Yes!

Zane looked thoughtful as he picked up his plate, smiling a little evilly at Lloyd.

Lloyd looked puzzled.

"Lloyd, do you know what this means?"

Lloyd shook his head and Jay started laughing like a maniac. Cole looked puzzled, but chuckled stiffly, feeling his face. Jay slapped the table and howled.


"Uhh...guys? Why is there pepperoni on my face?"


Here's the chapter.

Next one will be better.


Headache! *moan*

Ow. I seriously am exhausted and my head kills. Omw....then I have go to the corn maze....*moan*

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