Chapter 25: Just Slap Him! He Won't Know...

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Embers POV

Kai went to soak a rag under icy cold water from the tap, to press on his face, and I looked over at Nya. She looked down, starting to blink tears away. She must have felt so bad about burning Kai's face with her chopsticks. Jay instantly put an arm around her, while Zane picked up the chopsticks off the floor.

We ate in silence. Somethings weird. Something was wrong.

Jay isn't talking.

Okay, beside that. Actually, I kinda wish it was always that silent. But a happy silent.


Nya switched hair with Lloyd.

Lloyd switched hair with Nya.

Jay switched hair with Zane.

Zane switched hair with Jay.

Kai, Cole, and myself haven't switched anything yet.

I heard a crash in the kitchen, followed by a yelp. Lloyd booked it into the kitchen so fast I thought that maybe his pants were on fire. Wouldn't that be hilarious?

"KAI!" Nya jumped from her chair and followed Lloyd. I followed Nya, who was mumbling something about 'Kai's gravestone' if this was a prank.

Kai was on the floor, completely passed out. In the sink, there was a note, attached to a brick, which is why, I am guessing, Kai was knocked out.

Another note.

Only one left. - HWR

Jay, who came in behind me, started panicking. "Who's left? Nya is mine and Kai has Skylor, well, kinda, I guess it is kinda a weird relationship, if any. Wait! It probably isn't if you classify them as going out which they aren't, even if they have a crush on each other that they won't admit and Zane has Pixal and-" I watched open mouth as Jay began pairing up people.

Nya hit Jay. "Be quiet!"

Jay quit his rambling and helped Lloyd pick up the now drooling Kai. Wow. He looks very flattering. In Kai's arms was a mayonnaise jar, the lid twisted weird. Kai mumbled something before cuddling with the jar once more. Lloyd and Jay put him on the couch, while Zane scanned him.

"Just got knocked out," the robot confirmed, nodding to Nya, who was looking rather protective over Kai. She nodded back.

Lloyd sighed and snatched the mayonnaise jar from Kai and started to lick his fingers, which had dipped into the mayonnaise jar.

I almost lost my dinner. Seriously. Then Jay dipped his spoon in the jar and continued eating, before Nya snatched it and stuck her own spoon way deep down in the jar. She took an enormous amount and licked the spoon clean afterwards.

"So," Lloyd asked, smacking his lips. "What do we do with Kai?"

Zane shrugged and noticed my disgusted look. "It's vanilla pudding in a mayonnaise jar," he explained. I instantly felt better. But why would you put vanilla in a mayonnaise jar?

  Nya swallowed. "We could splash him with water!"

"Ya!" Jay cheered. "I love making Kai think he's drowning. Then he's all like 'help me!' and starts crying and stuff, screaming for his sister, who clobbers him for being such a baby and then he cries because she hit him too hard and then they have a big fight whether or not she hit him too hard and in the end Nya always wins so--"

"Shut up!" Lloyd hit Jay on the head and I winced. "She gets the point. Okay, so not with water, but what about smelling salts?"

"Guys!" Zane started but was interrupted.

"Do you think we have any smelling salt, Lloydikins?" Jay questioned, being his usual 'I know everything and Lloyd is always wrong,'voice.

"Lloydikins?" I smirked. Lloyd turned super red and faced Jay.

"Zap Bag!"

"Slobber brain!" Jay retorted.



"Nose buckle!" Okay. What was a nose buckle? Is there even such a thing?

" Guys!"

"Muskrat Booger!"

"Microscopic Black Toenail Cruncher." I think Jay needs a new brain.


"Dehydrated Elephant!"

"Evil Hugging Germ!" I burst out laughing at the last one. Nya then ended the war with her usual "we need to get going" voice.

"We get the point," she started. "You each are very....uh....unique in your own ways, but how  are we supposed to wake up Kai!?"

Lloyd then grinned an evil grin, making Jay, Zane, and even Nya back away from him.

"It's called, 'slapping-across-the-face-until-he-wakes-up'. "


"Won't that hurt?" I questioned, suddenly nervous for this un expectant  Kai, who might be even more unconscious in a few seconds.

Lloyd shrugged, facing me. "He won't feel a thing. He won't ever know."

"GUYS!" Zane finally blew up.

"What?" Nya asked exasperated. "Zane, this is a very serious matter!"

Zane pointed to the couch, where Kai was sitting up, arms crossed, and a very firm look on his face. I gulped as he spoke.

"Nobody is slapping me across the face."

Silence. Kai glared at each of us individually and I was actually scared for my life for a second.

Lloyd suddenly pointed at Jay. "He suggested it!" he accused, falling to his knees. " I was trying, Kai! I really was!" Lloyd was in 'tears'.  If he didn't become a ninja, I could have seen him become an actor.  "They just didn't listen!" Cue the hiccup...

Kai instantly shot his glare to Jay. Jay gulped. Lloyd sobbed. "You always think it's me when the real culprit is right in front of your nose!"

Wow. Lloyd was good!

Kai stood from the couch, running a hand through his hair before heading toward Jay.

"Kai!" Nya breathed. "Your hair!"

Cue Zane's scanner. Kai instantly freaked. "What!? Ah!? What is it?! Who's is it?! Why is it?! How is it!?"

"Kai, deep breaths," Zane instructed. Kai started swallowing air as fast as his heart was beating. "Slower," Zane insisted. Kai took an enormous breath and put his hands in an 'O' shape.

"Ummmm," he hummed. Wow. Really? Meditating? What will he think of next? It seemed to work, though.

"It's Embers." This time it was my turn to freak out.


I tore out my French braid and ran to the bathroom mirror. Sure enough, there was a brown stripe of hair with a little red, that clashed absolutely horribly with my own blond-white hair, with blue and green hair tips.

Why him?

Now it's my turn to meditate.


Alligators here. Sorry for the longggggg wait to update, but I wanted to have a very slack and relaxing break, which I did! :)

So, what do you think?

Comment people's. :)

Comment please!
Tell me what you think!

Question: who's POV do u want next?

This one is up too you guys :)

alligators out.

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