Chapter 9: The Beanbag Truth, In Pink

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Kai's POV

I didn't like him. Not since the moment I laid eyes on him. And now Lloyd is declaring that he must come and join us? Our team? Cookie? Ember?

We don't even know his element! For all we know, he could be Hermit, the crab, in a mammoth disguise! know....he's a human.

But same difference! He most likely smells like a crab! He probably acts like one too. No surprise there, right?

Nya gasped beside me, clutching my arm and digging her nails deep into my skin. "What?! can't do that!" I unclawed her from me, wishing for once that her lame boyfriend was here so he could get pinched.

"Ya!" I added weakly. I was still in shock, okay?!

Zane stepped forward. "Lloyd do this to save my life," he admitted sheepishly. I turned to Lloyd and smirked, at the same time frowning. Telling Lloyd, 'I knew he showed emotions' and 'I'm still mad at you.' Also, maybe a bit of 'I don't understand.'

I guess Lloyd does make most of the decisions around here. Well, beside Cole.  Actually, Cole probably makes the most.

He commanded me to spray the "I love beanbags" on Sensei's chair in pink! You think I would actually do that?

Nope. He paid me fifty bucks. And just so he could get Lloyd down from his undefeatable winning streak. And I used the money so wisely! I am proud of myself.

I bought a yummy ice cream.

And maybe some new underwear.

I sighed as Zane continued to explain, tasting my 'It's Hot, I'm Hot' toothpaste, from when I brushed my teeth after lunch.


I'm starving. But that's probably because Lloyd made me loose my appetite when he shoved his mouth.

"Ember, or Cookie, whatever you would like to call him, was digging around in Ronins drawer." Ronin was, still, by the way, moving his money stash. How much money could that guy have?

Maybe I could get some by spray painting 'I love beanbags' on his wall. And then I could buy new hair gel!

And maybe more underwear.

Zane went on, obviously not hearing my thoughts that were flying around in my brain. "Before I could blink, he had pinned me up against the wall, pressing my own shuriken against my neck! I didn't even see or predict it coming!"

Okay, now that surprised me. Zane, the Nindroid, not predicting anything?


Ember grinned a spooky grin of his before listening to what came next. I wanted to get the rest of the pink spray paint and paint his mouth shut, so that it's closed forever.

And maybe make his creepy eyes pink too. Just for good measure.

"Well, Lloyd came in and Ember pinned him with two daggers against the wall. Lloyd saw me, and instantly knew something was wrong." Zane beamed at Lloyd, who stick his chest out in pride.

Wow. Still immature? Check. And no duh something was wrong! Zane was pinned to the wall by nothing, and himself by two daggers?

Nope, nothing wrong. The guys just popping beanbags. Or spray painting the word 'beanbag' in pink.

"So," Zane went on, "Ember made a bet with Lloyd, saying that if Lloyd win, he would let me go. But, if Lloyd lost, he would join our team for as long as he likes."

Nya shuddered. "But what about if Lloyd didn't agree?" She turned and met the Green Ninja, who was scratching a small red stain off his elbow, probably ketchup.


"Then," Ember answered, "your friend would die."

I stared at Lloyd in shock. "Lloyd! Why didn't you come get Nya and I? We could have helped!"

"With what?" Lloyd rolled his eyes. I clenched my fists. "He had a shuriken and a dagger to Zane's throat, and I was against the wall as well!"

Nya elbowed me in my ribs. "Think, bro!"

I frowned at Ember, who was smirking about his achievement. "And obviously you know what came next, after we fought for ten minutes straight."

Ya. I know. I came in and made Lloyd loose. Been there, done that.

Wasn't my fault! I mean, what would anyone else do?

I mumbled. "Ya."

Great. Now we will have this random guy, who could be a beanbag maker for all we know, joining our ninja team. We don't even know his power! He claims he has one, but how do we know if he's lying or not?

I don't trust this Cookie.

Forget making beanbags! He probably stole them!

Nya did, apparently. As soon as we headed toward the bounty on our made vehicles, she invited Cookie to sit with Lloyd. Then, she hopped on the back of my bike, and ordered me to lead the way.

Sure sis. Ronin didn't even notice we left, mumbling about making a bank account or whatever.

Sure Ronin. You do that.

Cookie looked a little overwhelmed by being so close to Lloyd, but that's probably because he just won a fight against the worlds best ninja, the Green Ninja, and now he's riding on Lloyds bike!

I mean, is luck on his side or what?

As we traveled to the Bounty, I kept looking in my review mirror, checking to make sure Cookie wasn't slaughtering the Green Ninja right under our noses.

Wouldn't that be fun to explain to Sensei?

I couldn't wait to see Jay and Coles faces as we came with this...Cookie...back to the Bounty.

Finally, we came into view off the Bounty, hovering off the ground above a small field of potatoes.

Show time.


Alligator here.

First, I am so sorry that I didn't do the POV votes, but I really didn't want to skip till the Bounty.

Second BEANBAGS! Haha that just somehow kept ending up in my story!

And third! Comment! Vote! What do you think?

And so sorry for not updating.... Sick...not feeling good....first day of school is exhausting....and great doctor who episodes. Lol

Anyway, hopefully this chapter will make up for it!

Please comment!

Would you spray paint your teachers chair in pink, saying I love beanbags, for fifty bucks?

I wouldn't. Nope. To scared. Maybe for one hundred....

And please comment on all your favorite phrases and what not, because it helps me write.

Love ya'all


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