Chapter 5: Sleeping Late and 'Early' Training.

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Cole POV

Once Lloyd had gotten his beloved candy stash, (I don't know where he hides it, but it must be in a good spot) we headed to bed. We were tired and it had been a long day. I don't think Lloyd slept at all, with all that sugar in him. I personally, didn't mind, for I was still in shock that he was alive!

I did mind though, when he started to moonwalk across our floor, in a white sheet, making weird farting noises.

I threw my pillow at him and it hit him right in the face. Unfortunately the blow made the pillow blow up so feathers went everywhere, but since Lloyd was so hyper we made him clean up the feathers. And then I used his pillow.

The next morning, after a breakfast of Zanes omelettes and Kai's waffles, we went to the training room to think. The best ideas come when we train.

Because Sensei was gone, helping out some sort of problem in Ninjago, we informed him that his nephew was alive and well, and that we were planning our next step. And we didn't tell him that we slept in. Kai and Jay got their hair wet, using the kitchen sink, so it looked like they were training.

I think he fell for it too. 'Early' training.

Lloyd had left halfway through training, since it was his turn to make lunch. He muttered something about 'grilled cheese sandwiches' before leaving.

I punched my solidified fist into the dummy and twirled, missing Jays nunchucks by an inch.

"So," Kai puffed, blocking Zanes punch and sending two of his own back. "What's our next move?" He panted and jumped, Zanes fast and hard kick going to waste.

I suggest. "Well, what about tracking down where we can get some of that Venomari poison gas?" The dummy flew back toward me and I twisted, causing it to hit Jay in the arm. He zapped it, hard, and lets just say that it's not a dummy anymore.

It's Lord Garmadon the second.

Jay landed a blow on my side, but I let it go through me and I ducked, avoiding his double attack. "Well, Cole," he explained in his this-is-what-I-think kind of voice. "My mother always says 'the leaf never falls far from its tree.'" He back flipped and knocked over Nya, who was focusing on drowning Kai.

"Isn't it the cherry doesn't fall far from its blossom?" Nya asked, squirting Kai in the face. Kai sputtered and growled, knocking Nya off her feet from a surprise kick, while ducking from Jays own high kick. Zane shot an ice shard my way, but I created a mini earthquake beneath him, throwing off his aim and making sure I stayed well away from Nya's water.

Zane charged toward me and I solidified and flipped him, making him fall onto Kai, who was blocking Jays punches. I wiped my hair off my sweaty forehead. Zane shrugged once he got up. "Both sayings are correct." He threw his shurikens at me, but I dodged them, but tripped over Nya and crashed on top of Kai, who was trying to get up.

"So anyway," Kai moaned. "First place we should visit would be the Serpentine." His arms quaked as he rose.

"I think we should check out Ronin first," Nya presented. She did a roundhouse kick toward me, but I cartwheeled away, sending a punch in Kai's direction. He blocked it, but missed  seeing Zanes fist coming toward his stomach.

"Good. Idea. Sis," he gasped, trying to breathe. He greedily sucked in air, while the training went on without him.

Zane agreed with the siblings, while freezing Jays feet to the deck. "If anyone would have sold something like that, it would be old Ronin." The titanium ninja frowned as Jay broke loose.

"But why would the Venomari sell the smell, if they could do it themselves?" Jays asked, stopping in the middle of the fight and raising his hands in a confused manner.

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