Chapter 8: The Upgrade From Cookie To Ember.

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Nya's POV

Ronin finally agreed that he had the Venomari gas.


It took us forever to get him to tell us. I was ready to go back to the Bounty and get ready for the date that me and Jay were going on. I really didn't want to miss that.

"So who did you sell the stuff too?" Kai asked, while I ran my fingers across two win fans. They each had a sharp point coming out of the smooth, long, unfolded surface. Yet, they folded up perfectly, even though they were made out of metal.

I needed these.

The shiny reflection of my face blurred as I breathed onto the metal of the fan.

Ronin rubbed his chin, pawing at the stumble and I sighed, knowing that this could take forever.

This time, I was wrong.

"It was a man, with a cowboy hat thingy. He also talked with a heavy accent, ya' know, the kind that they talk with." I slapped my head inwardly.

Of course. Everyone talks with accents. And everyone usually would rather have a different accent that they have.

"It sounded made up, ya' know? Like he was doing it on the spot. He had tattered blue jeans with a hankie coming out of his back pocket. It matched his red shirt. "

Kai nodded eagerly. "And his hair? His eyes!?"

I watched my brother ask away as I played with the fans in my hands. Forget buying these, I thought, as I put them back on the rack. I could easily make those myself.

Water designed, now that would be cool!

"Well, I'm not sure about his eyes," Ronin stated, obviously thinking carefully. "But his hair was tucked under his hat so I couldn't see it."

Wow. That was a big help. Kai didn't seem to notice, but Zane and Lloyd had disappeared into a room while him and Ronin were talking.

And by disappearing, I mean now they were crashing around in Ronins room. I couldn't see them, but I could here energy zapping. My brother jumped a little, and Ronin roared.

"What are they doing in the back room?"

I shrugged unhelpfully. "Mopping your floors?" Ya right. I can never get the guys to clean! I always get Sensei to order them around. And I can just see Lloyd mopping and Zane dancing around popping bubbles.

Yup. Good visions. Sometimes, I wish they were real.

I heard a yelp from Lloyd and an evil laughter, one that doesn't come from a human, but from a voice transformer.


Kai seemed to think the same thing. "Maybe Zane had his voice malfunction again!" He got more excited as he thought about it. "Maybe he will sound like a cheerleader instead of a pirate!"

I rolled my eyes. Meet my brother, the one who really needs a girlfriend.

Even Jay has more guts then him.

I approached the room, slowly opening the door.

Lloyds energy blast fried a piece of my hair that was moved from the air, flowing around me. One thought hit my brain.

That could have been my head!

I shimmied inside, staying close to the wall. Kai growled and followed me, while Ronin dived behind a random chair, that was in the middle of his store. Kai and I looked at each other and agreed on the one thought.

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