Chapter 20 - Found Once Again

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Mason's POV

"Let's talk about this sweetheart, you will learn how to control it. Nobody will get hurt. Open the door and we'll prove it to you." I begged on the other side of the closed door.

"You do know that she saw your face before she blasted Carter away. You're the main reason why she tried to make the magic stop." I turned around to find Hailee standing behind me.

"What are you talking about?" I whispered.

"You two may think you know everything about her because she's your mate and your twin sister. News flash, you don't. Just because she's your mate doesn't mean you know how she thinks. And just because you're her twin brother doesn't mean you have some kind of side kick power and connection to her. You guys don't, but I do. Carter, you scared her to death. Did you know that when you opened your eyes to look at her, your eyes were blood shot red?"

"What?!" Carted shrieked.

"There was no white or black or blue in your eyes. Pure blood red. She was just going to let it slide until she saw your face Mason. You had pure horror written all over your face. So, she tried to protect the both of you because she didn't know what the hell was wrong with you, Carter, or what was going through your head or see her if she got hurt Mason."

"How do you even know what happened, you weren't there." I shot back.

"Actually, I was. I walked through the front door after you had opened your eyes and before Mason walked in. You were too busy concentrating on your magic and Ivory." Hailee pointed at Carter. Then she moved her finger towards me, "And you were too busy looking at them in terror to notice me."

"I didn't know." I hung my head.

"Neither did I." Carter said in shame.

"How freaked out do you think she is about this? Both of you already knew about paranormals so it isn't as big of a deal to you as it is to her."

"More than any of us could imagine." Carter whispered.

"Plus, there's one more thing." Hailee sighed.

"What?" I asked, lifting my head up and making eye contact with Hailee.

"Ummm, Mason, you can't get mad." Hailee took a step backwards.

Both mine and Carters head snapped up at this comment. "Hailee?" I took a step towards her with Carter following me.

"........ummmmmm.......she's not even in her room anymore. With my guess, she.......left." Hailee gulped.

I immediately turned around and broke down the door. Quickly I scanned the room and could not find Ivory. "Carter check the closet!" I yelled. As he ran into the closet I ran into the bathroom. The bathroom was empty. "Carter! Please tell me you found her!" I yelled as I ran back into the bedroom. When I saw Carter shake his head my heart sank.

"She'll come back, just give her time to cool off and think things through." Hailee said as she hesitantly stepped into the room.

"No!" I yelled causing the two of them to jump. "We have to find her now before someone else does. Derick is out there looking for her and god knows what he'll do to her if he finds her first." When I thought about what Derick would do to her I was downright terrified. I walked out of Ivory's room quickly and ran down the stairs.

"Wait Mason, where would we start?" Carter ran after me.

"Call Jonathon and Hunter, tell them to set up a search party. Hailee grab one of Ivory's shirts so the new wolves will know her scent. I'm going to mind link the entire pack a picture of Ivory so nobody can walk past her and not notice. I'm finding her, even if it kills me." As I reached the living room I heard the doorbell go off. When I opened it, I found no other than Ivory's parents themselves and they didn't smell human anymore.


So far, I've gone through three pints of mint chocolate chip ice cream and only a movie and a half. I haven't even really been watching it. It's just noise in the background as all the thoughts ran through my head. There was a knock at the door a couple minutes later forcing me out of my thoughts. When I opened the door, Eric was standing there.


"Hey Ivory, you ok?" His eyes were filled with sympathy.

"Don't worry about it." I said as I leaned against the door.

"Come on, let's go for a walk. Clear your head. I promise we don't have to talk."

I hesitated but then grabbed my coat and keys and noticed my phone going off again. Mason and Carter have been calling and texting me nonstop. I canceled the call, turned off my phone and went out the door, leaving it on the nightstand. Eric and I roamed the streets in pure silence as the events of the previous days took over my thoughts once again.

"Was it your parents?" Eric finally broke the silence.

"They played a part, yes, but that's not all."

"Would you like some more ice cream?" Eric put his hand on my back as he led me towards an ice cream shop.

"Are you trying to make me fat? I've already had so much." I chuckled.

"There's never too much ice cream." He held the door open for me as I walked in. Not only did the smell of ice cream and freshly made cones hit me, but so did the smell of a werewolf. I stopped dead in my tracks. All of my senses on high alert. As I looked around I found a group of girl werewolves. They were laughing as they took pictures and told each other about all the drama and gossip going around school. I walked up to the glass and looked at all of the flavors. Finally settling on cookies and cream in a waffle cone. I started to eat it when I heard the entire shop go silent. When I turned around all of the girl's eyes were glossed over and their faces held pure concentration.

Oh no, this can't be happening. "Eric can we go back to the hotel, like now?" I grabbed his arm as I tried to drag him outside.

"Wait, I'm thinking of getting something for the staff" He pulled his arm out of my grasp and went over to the fridge that held the tubs of ice cream. I have to get out of here. I looked back over at the girls and noticed all of them staring at me. One of the girls' eyes glossed back over, no doubt contacting Mason. I have to leave Eric, I need to get out of here. I turned around to go out the door but ran right into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said as I tried to side step around him. But he blocked my way again. Crossing his arms across his chest making him seem even bigger than he already did.

"You're not going anywhere," He answered and brought his mouth to my ear and whispered, "Luna."

I'm busted.

"Mason will be here soon to pick you up, he's already been contacted." The guy smirked.

"Fine. Whatever his royal highness wants." I said back with a little anger.

"What's that tone about?"

"Nothing." I growled back.

"Luna, you can tell me." The stranger uncrossed his arms and sympathy filled his eyes.

"No." I met his eyes with a hard-cold glare. Then I turned around and sat down at the table next to him and waited for Mason to take me back to prison.

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