Chapter 7 - Ha I won!

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"Oh, look at her, she's so scared. Did you finally gather up the courage to talk to your crush, huh? I can't believe he is even talking to you let alone looking at you after you embarrassed him like you did yesterday in the cafeteria. You are such a bitch. You had some guts spilling food on him and then challenging me. Don't worry, I'll make you pay. No doubt about that. He is mine, he will always be mine. You will never get a chance to be with him, I will –" She never got to finish what she was about to say due to my fist connecting with her face.

"You were saying?" I asked as she was on the floor holding her bloody nose.

"You little bitch." Zoey replied as she stood back up.

I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth. "Stop calling me names." I spat out. Man, I was just loving this new courage thing. I have got to try it more often.

"He his mine. Not yours. You aren't good enough for him and you never will be. You're a little miss nobody. He deserves to be with someone who actually knows how to kiss. You will never find someone because of how pathetic you are. I will teach you a lesson once and for all." She ended with a grin.

I don't know what happened but something inside of me just snapped. The next thing I knew was that my fist was connecting with her jaw. Once again, she instantly dropped. I must have hit her pretty hard cause she was having a hard time standing back up. I heard a snort come from behind me. I turned around and Mason looked amused while trying to contain his laughter. Zoey used my distraction to her advantage though. She pinned me up against the wall with her hand at my throat. Hmm, now let me think. This seems oddly familiar, oh wait that's right, I was in this same position yesterday with my father. With one of my hands clasped around hers, I brought my other arm back and elbowed her right in the head.

She let go as she grabbed her head. I grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled one of her arms behind her back. Pushing her down the hall, I opened the front door and threw her out. Oh my, she went a lot farther than I was expecting. That was awesome. I felt Mason's arms go around me right as Zoey yelled.

"You little shit."

I was not going to let her win this one. "You whore."

"Boyfriend stealer." Mason turned around and started walking back in the house, but I had to say one last thing to the whore standing on the lawn. "Free sex giver."

Mason chuckled at me that. "Hey that was a good one."

"Ah thanks. NOW PUT ME DOWN!" I started to squirm.

"As you wish." He plopped me down on a bed before running out. I heard a slight click a second later. Oh no he didn't. I ran over to the door and tugged on it. It didn't even budge. I pulled as hard as I could and with no success did it open. I grabbed a pillow off the bed and screamed all of my frustration into it. I fell back on the bed and waited for Mason or someone to come and let me out. About two minutes later I heard that soft click once again. I swung the door open before Mason even had a chance. "Don't you ever do that to me again do you understand?"

"Yah." Was all he said. His head hung down in shame as he shoved his hands into his pockets. I couldn't stand to see him like that. I gently put my hand under his chin. His head slowly came back up. Within a flash I was lying on my back on the bed with Mason towering over me. "You were great." He smiled at me.

"You really think so?" Mason just kept smiling as he nodded his head.

I couldn't take it any longer, I grabbed his head and pulled him down. Our lips meet and he immediately started moving his lips in rhythm with my mine. While one hand grabbed both of my wrists and pinned them above my head his other hand went to my waist. The second his hand started going under the bottom of my shirt I wrapped my legs around his waist to bring him closer. He moaned with approval. I just laughed. His lips left mine only to trail kisses while nibbling down the side of my neck. I felt like I wasn't getting enough from him, that I couldn't. The thought stopped right as his kisses stopped trailing my neck and started to go across the top of my chest. With that I arched my back into him. He growled, which was weird. It sounded like an animal growl not a human one. I dismissed it any ways and focused on the present. He was slowly making his way back up. Once he reached my lips again, he just gave me one last long, lingering kiss before pulling back. To my embarrassment I whimpered.

He stood up laughing, and pulled me up with him.

"I have to stop now or I won't be able to stop." He gave me another long kiss.

"Ok." I walked past him and made my way towards the kitchen. I never finished my pancakes and I was starving. I could feel Mason following closely behind me. When I reached the living room, half way to the kitchen, I stopped. Mason ran into me with an 'Oof'. There was a man sitting on the couch that I had never seen before. The first thought that went through my head was that my parents had sent him. I quickly ran behind Mason and barley peered around him.

"Ivory it's ok. He is a very close friend. He would never hurt you. Right Carter?"

"Uhhh right." I looked at him and realized he looked a lot like me. His hair was blonde with a red streak. His streak of red hair was in the same spot as my blonde streak, the exact opposite as me. Ha except mine looks cuter. "As Mason just said my name is Carter." He politely extended a hand to me. Honestly, I really did not want to, but he was Mason's friend. When I looked into Mason's eyes I could really tell that he wanted me to take his hand. So, I gingerly took steps towards him and grabbed his hand.

Light exploded everywhere. I jumped about three feet in the air, no joke. After that my body stilled, I couldn't move. I started to cry uncontrollably as I squoze Carter's hand. By the time the light started to fade my body was shaking hard from the extreme sobbing. The second there was any feeling in anything in my body, I ripped my hand out of his and ran to Mason. I practically fell into his arms since not all of the feeling was back. He held me as I cried, I heard another growl erupt from his chest but this one was more feral than the others. The one in the bedroom and in the kitchen at breakfast we more sexual. Mental note, ask Mason about the growling thing.




It's been two hours since the freaky phenomenon and only an hour and a half since Carter left. I could see that Carter was just as freaked out as I was. Mason wouldn't let me go near him for the rest of the time that he was there. I was currently outside in the backyard just sitting on one of the lawn chairs. I looked down at my hand for the billionth time trying to find something different or off since this morning. But again, I came up with nothing. I let out a loud sigh.

Mason was inside on the phone asking people if they knew what could possibly have happened. He said he has connections for stuff like this. Honestly, I think all of them are laughing in his face. You would have to be paranormal or something to believe what happened actually happened if you weren't there. I'm having a hard time believing it and it happened to me. And Mason is not a paranormal. Paranormals don't exist. At least I don't think they do. Oh boy, I hope they don't. I can't handle anymore weird things happening right now.

"Hello there." I jumped and screamed as I fell out of my chair.

"Wow calm down there little princess." A hand was clamped over my mouth as my back was pressed up against somebody's chest. Their other hand went directly to my throat. What is it with people and my throat. I mean seriously, it is starting to get annoying.

"Now listen and listen closely. You're coming with me quietly or I will personally pay your little boyfriend in that house a little unpleasant visit. Got it."

Oh no, not Mason. I can't let him get hurt too. I frantically nodded my head yes. That was definitely a girl's voice. Mason's house was right at the edge of the woods and we had made it half way across the lawn before there was an extremely dangerous growl coming from behind me. The girl pushing me stopped frozen in her tracks. The next thing I knew was that I was getting ripped out of her arms and into strong arms. The second our skin touched sparks shot wherever we touched. I looked up into Mason's pitch black eyes. What the hell? What happened to his chocolate kiss eyes? All they held right now was pure rage. No amusement, happiness, or lust that I had seen the past couple hours.

He carefully pushed me away from him as he jumped into the air. Except what landed was not Mason, but a gorgeously, massive, black wolf. Apparently paranormals do exist.

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