Chapter Four-RFK-The early years

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Quote: "People say I am ruthless. I am not ruthless. And if I find the man who is calling me ruthless, I shall destroy him", Assassinated lawyer and US Attorney-General Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy, (November 20, 1925 — June 6, 1968), unquote~~~


Bobby Kennedy became the seventh child of Joseph and Ethel Kennedy.  He grew up in Brookline, Massachusetts.


By September of the year 1927, his family relocated to the Bronx, New York. Like his brother JFK, (and other family members), they spent their vacations at Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.


During the 1930's he was educated in various schools. By March, 1944, he joined the US Naval Reserve. In September 1942, he attended Milton Academy. He returned in 1944 there and was involved at the  V-12 Navy College Training Program,  Cambridge, Massachusetts; (Harvard University); (March–November 1944); Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, (November 1944 – June 1945); as well as Harvard, (June 1945 – January 1946).


By December 15, 1945, (after WWII ended), Kennedy worked on the  USS Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., (A US destroyer).

       By February 1, 1946, Kennedy became an apprentice seaman. And he was in the Caribbean. He was discharged on May 30, 1946, he left the US Military with honours.


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