Chapter 2

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Drew Chadwick yawned as he leaned against his car, laughing at something Ally Brooke said before groaning as a hand collided with his forehead causing his eyes to snap upward as he was met with fuming brown eyes and he reached up to rub at the spot before pouting as he glared at the girl standing before him, “What in the hell was that for, Franks? You can’t go around hitting me like that for no reason.”

“Oh I have a reason, you got my cousin drunk which made her miss work. If we can’t pay our rent this month I’m gonna kick your ass.” Frankie warned as she narrowed her eyes at the dirty blonde whose lips turned into a smirk as he raised an eyebrow before opening the passenger door for the brunette causing her to roll her eyes as she stepped into the SUV. “Good morning, friends of my baby cousin. How are you two?”

“Hey, we’re your friends too.” Ally pouted as she looked to Frankie who grinned slightly at the girl causing her to beam back brightly before she looked over at Dinah Jane Hansen who was drifting in and out of sleep, her eyes continuously fluttering shut as she released yawns here and there. “D, this is what you get for not going to bed till two, I told you having a random dance off was a bad idea but once again you didn’t listen to wise ‘ol me.”


“Scoot over, bitches.” Lauren grumbled as she slid into the backseat, glancing over at Ally who smiled lightly in greeting while Dinah finally peeled her eyes open and held her closed fist out to Lauren, the green eyed girl snorting in her throat as she knocked her own knuckles against her best friend’s. “D, you have to stop staying up late for your random dance parties. They’re going to be the death of you if you’re not careful.”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell her.” Ally sighed.

Lauren smiled at her best friends, she didn’t know where she’d be without them by her side; after her parents had left her, and she had found herself dirt poor and living with her equally poor cousin, they had been the only two to stick by her and not judge her for the choices she made. It amazed the school that innocent little Ally ran with their group, she was the definition of perfect and every time people caught her bouncing alongside Lauren or Frankie they did a double take.

“Where’s Nessa?” Frankie questioned in confusion as she glanced over her shoulder before a hand shot up from the very back of the SUV, the brown eyed girl snorting lightly as she sighed heavily. “I don’t understand how you’re not related to Dinah, you two are literally one in the same.”

The group of six sat in silence for the rest of the car ride, all frowning as they pulled into the parking lot of the school and found their usual parking spot, the sound of loud chattering hitting their ears as they opened the doors to the car and piled out, all six sliding on sunglasses as they observed the people who hated them. Ally frowned lightly as she threaded her arm through Dinah’s, knowing the girl would protect her from the stares and harsh words.

“Don’t do anything stupid, alright? If you get suspended then I’ll take all your beanies away.” Frankie teased as she walked over to her cousin, pressing a quick kiss to her head as she waved at the other girls before grabbing Vanessa’s hand and pulling her towards the school while Drew trailed behind them like the loyal puppy dog he had become.

“I have to get to class. Mr. Brown said if I’m late one more time he’s going to give me more detentions than I can handle or some bullshit.” Dinah grumbled as she stretched lightly before tugging Ally along, both shooting quick goodbyes to Lauren over their shoulders before leaving the girl alone.

The brunette shouldered her purse and made her way through the people swarming towards the school doors, the girl sighed as she dodged a passing freshman and ducked underneath the arm of a cheerleader. She hated school, she hated the way everyone seemed so excited to be there yet she struggled to even get through a single day; she missed the days when she was excited for school, she used to be excited to be with her friends and to laugh.

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