Chapter 14

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Somebody asked me (begged me) to do an Una and Vanessa chapter so here we go! I promise not to take such a long updating this time around, I'm in the middle of writing the next chapter so it should be up sometime this week :)

"Well, that was awkward." Vanessa scoffed as she closed the front door, the final guest finally having left the party that never quite happened. "I don't think I've ever seen Frankie so pissed off, she looked close to exploding."

"Yeah," Una nodded with a small smile.

"What's wrong?" Vanessa asked with a furrowed brow as she stepped towards the redhead watching as Una gave a small, half-hearted shrug as she fiddled with her ring. "Una, what's the matter? You've been really quiet."

"Your friends don't like me, do they?" Una muttered as she finally raised her head to meet Vanessa's gaze seeing the confusion filter through her expression. "Please don't lie to me. Drew kinda confirmed my fears today."

"Una, he didn't mean that. He was just angry with everything that was happening." Vanessa assured her with a soft tone her voice as she stepped closer to the older girl. "My friends will warm up to you, I promise."

"Oh yeah? Like they warmed up to Camila?" Una spat as she narrowed her eyes slightly and shook her head. "I used to think your friends were kind, good hearted people but after what I saw today...I'm not so sure."

"Whoa!" Vanessa scoffed as she held a hand up, silencing the senior. "You shouldn't let today's events blur everything you've ever seen from my friends, they're good people. They just don't like the way Camila's treated Lauren, which is justified."

"Camila is a fifteen-year-old, confused little girl who is trying to find her place in the world. Your friends shouln't jump on her for making a mistake." Una snapped as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"A mistake?" Vanessa repeated as her eyebrows jumped up before she gaped for a moment and shook her head. "No, the only mistake made today was the fact that Lauren forgave Camila so quickly."

Una clinched her jaw as she took in Vanessa's protective stance and watched the way brown eyes flared with a layer of anger and pure bitterness, "Wasn't it you who said that Lauren should give Camila a chance?"

Vanessa's stance deflated as she recalled her own words before she sighed heavily and reached up to pinch the bridge of her nose, her eyes fluttering shut as she tried to ignore the dull pulse of a headache forming at her temples.

"Una, I don't want to fight with you." Vanessa whispered as she dropped her hand from her face, her eyes fluttering open to see Una slowly softening. "I just...I've got a lot on my plate already, the last thing I want is to be arguing with you."

"You're right." Una sighed as she pouted her lower lip slightly before stepping forward, stringing her arms around the shorter girl and dropping a quick kiss to the top of her head. "I didn't mean to upset you, babe."

"It's fine, I understand." Vanessa mumbled as she nuzzled closer to the redhead, pressing a kiss to the pulse of her neck causing Una to shiver lightly against her. "What do you say we take this up to my room?"

"I could go for that. I missed kissing you today." Una admitted as she drew away from the brunette slightly in order to lean down and catch her lips in a quick kiss, pulling away to knock their noses together lightly as she smiled lovingly.

Vanessa nuzzled their noses together lightly before reaching down to thread her fingers with Una's and pulling the redhead along behind her, "Right this way, m'lady."

Before the two could go further then the bottom of the steps, Una's phone began to buzz on the opposite side of the room causing the older girl to sigh sadly before she drew away from Vanessa and moved towards her cell phone, scooping it up.

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