Chapter 6

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"I'll come see you every day and I'll bring the guys whenever I can, alright?" Frankie sighed as she slowly folded one of Lauren's t-shirts, setting it in a dresser drawer and turning to face the silent brunette. "This will be good for you, Lo. I don't want anything happening to you, this will help you heal a little bit."

Silence greeted the older girl and she released a heaving breath before turning her attention back to Lauren's suitcase that she was slowly emptying, a ball of emotion gathering in her throat as she looked around the spacious hospital room that would be Lauren's home till the younger girl figured out how to get back on her feet.

Frankie had made a quick choice of admitting Lauren to the hospital, she knew it was the only way she could help her cousin right now; she didn't have the strength to do this alone. She feared if she didn't do something then Lauren would go back to her old ways, she was afraid that she'd come home to a bloody bathroom scene again.

Shaking her head, the girl cleared her thoughts before finishing putting Lauren's clothes away and turning to approach her cousin. Frankie leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to Lauren's brow before drawing away and staring into green eyes that held a vacancy that caused her heart to chill for a moment.

"This will make you better again, you'll see. You'll be my little Lo again in no time and then you'll come home. Thing will go back to normal soon." Frankie whispered with a sad, half-smile as she brushed a piece of Lauren's hair from her face. "I have to get to school, baby cousin. I'll come see you afterwards, alright? I love you."

Lauren lifted her head and stared back at Frankie for a long moment before finally showing emotion as her eyes watered for a moment before she nodded slowly and bit down on her lower lip, "I love you too, Frankie."


The bus ride to school was one of the worst for Frankie as she kept her face pressed against the window as she clinched jaw and pictured Lauren's heartbroken face over and over again. The only time her mind drifted away from her cousin was when Camila's face randomly popped in her head and it made her stomach twist with disgust.

By the time she had climbed off the dirty bus, a burning rage had built inside of her and she had found herself stomping her way to the front doors of her school. She shouldered past a jock, ignoring every word he said as she shoved a helpless cheerleader to the side and continued her walk inside.

Frankie tore through the halls with her eyes ablaze, her fists clinched at her sides as she allowed her gaze to flicker throughout the students in search of her target. Finally she managed to catch sight of chocolate locks and she weaved her way through the multiple bodies before grabbing a bicep and whirling the person around.

Terrified brown eyes met her own and she narrowed her gaze before fisting the lapels of Camila's jacket and backing her into the locker, pressing her against the metal hard enough that it managed to catch the attention of the students in the hallway that stopped their chattering to stare with wide eyes and dropped jaws.

"What in the hell did you say to Lauren?" Frankie hissed as she ducked her head slightly so Camila would be the only one hearing her speak, and for a moment the teen stuttered over her words causing Frankie to jerk her hard and smash her back against the lockers. "Stop being a little bitch and tell me what you did to my cousin."


Hands grappled at her biceps and she found herself being pulled away, her grip remaining tight on Camila's jacket till hands pulled her own loose and she found herself in the soft embrace of Drew who looked down at her with questions in his eyes causing her to shake her head slowly before she turned to face Camila.

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