Chapter 13

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I am so sorry its taken me so long to update! This chapter is pretty short, but I wanted to get something out there so y'all know that I'm not giving up on this :) Hope you enjoy! Oh yeah, you might want to read the last chapter so you're not confused.

“Frankie, stop it.” Mollie hissed as she popped up beside the brunette, resting a comforting hand on her waist and watching as brown eyes continued to narrow. “She’s here because I practically dragged her here, she tried to convince me that you didn’t want her here.”

Frankie scanned Camila over before turning to face Mollie with a frown on her face, “She was right, I don’t want her here. This is my cousin’s party, Mollie. Camila doesn’t belong anywhere near it and you know that.”

“Dude, like you said, this is my party.” Lauren exclaimed cutting into the couple’s little argument as she shot a glare at Frankie. “I’m not five, I don’t need you to choose the guest list for me. I know who I want and don’t want at my party.”

“She doesn’t belong here, Lauren.” Ally grumbled from across the kitchen, glancing nervously down at her glass as Dinah nodded in agreement with a sad expression on her face. “She put you in the hospital, Lo. Twice.”

Camila swallowed hard as she heard the voices coming from all around her, each chirping in their opinion on her being at the party. Her palms were slick with sweat as she rubbed them over her jeans, flashing a quick look to Lauren as she tried to fight the urge to run; she just wanted to be there for Lauren, to show her that she cared.

Ally had been right though, Camila knew it and everyone that surrounded her knew it. She had been selfish and cruel and due to that Lauren had felt the need to end her life twice, she had caused so much damage. She had put a strain on a friendship she had never wanted to lose, and she had no right trying to win Lauren back.

“Stop trying to pretend like you guys know anything about her, she’s changed!” Lauren snarled as she curled her fists, her nostrils flaring cluing her friends in on the fact that she was angry. “You don’t get to judge her, it’s not fair.”

“No, what isn’t fair is the fact that she hurt you and you’re just letting her back in your life like it’s no big deal.” Drew pointed out as he looked to Frankie briefly, the girl flashing him a frown before she intertwined her fingers with Mollie’s.

“Guys, maybe you aren’t being fair.” Vanessa sighed, her voice overpowering the scolding ones around her. “If Lauren wants to be around Camila then maybe we should give her a chance, we can’t force her to do things she doesn’t want to do.”

“Oh please, you’re only saying that because you managed to strike up a friendship with her.” Drew spat as he motioned with his head towards Una who blushed darker than her hair. “Open your eyes, Vanessa. Both Mollie and Camila are bad news.”

“Whoa, why is Mollie being dragged into this?” Frankie demanded as she wrapped a protective arm around the blonde’s waist before narrowing her eyes at Drew. “I get that you’re pissed, but we’ll talk about this in private later.”

Camila sighed as she heard the shouting continue, the attention back on her and she lingered for a moment before turning her back and leaving. A layer of embarrassment showed in the way her cheeks lit up a bright pink as she stumbled to leave the house, she just wanted to go back to her own house and curl up in a blanket with Tumblr to comfort her.

Tears stung at her eyes as she slammed out of the house, skipping down the porch steps as she dabbed lightly at her cheeks in order to get rid of the tear tracks that burned a length down her cheeks, she wasn’t going to cry over this.  She didn't deserve to cry over this, all the things they were saying back there was true.

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