Chapter 7

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Camila huffed as she glanced down at her phone screen and realized that Mollie hadn't met her at the lockers like they usually did, and as she growled and stepped away from the lockers, the brunette made her way out to the parking lot of the school and her eyes widened in shock when she realized Mollie's car was gone.

Frowning, the brunette unlocked her phone and texted a quick message to Mollie before pouting as she looked around, half expecting Frankie to jump out of the bushes and finish the job she had started earlier that morning; goosebumps developed on Camila's arms as she remembered the haunted look in Frankie's eyes.

She had figured Lauren would blab to Frankie about what had happened at the apartment, but she had never thought that their conversation was worthy of being ordered to stay away from the green eyed girl. She hadn't meant to hurt Lauren, but she couldn't stop the words from pouring so easily from her mouth.

She was used to hurting people, to putting them down so their hurt could bring her up. She had this deep fear that if she lost her popularity she'd lose everything she valued, and that wasn't something she couldn't risk; but there were times when she wished everyone would just go away and leave her alone.

"Hey squirt, there you are." Camila jumped before glancing up to see Una approaching her with a furrowed brow, the redhead waving her phone before watching as Camila looked at her in confusion. "Your sister just texted me and asked if I'd bring you home, so I guess I'm taking you home."

"Mollie always takes me home," Camila mumbled.

"Well, she's not here to do that today so..." Una shrugged before nodding her head towards her waiting car, Camila sighing as she hiked her purse up her shoulder before jogging forward to catch up with Una who dug her keys from her pocket. "You're lucky I had swim practice today or you'd be walking home."

Camila smiled lightly and forced a laugh out as she wondered over to the passenger seat of Una's Range Rover before climbing in, the two falling into a comfortable silence that went along to the buzz of the radio as they drove through their sleepy little town, neither having anything to really say as they hummed along to the radio.

By the time they pulled up to the King-Cabello household, Camila's mind was whirling and she gave a soft smile and wave to Una who acknowledged her with a single nod before driving away the second the brunette had closed the passenger door; sighing, Camila hurried inside, ready to face whatever was about to happen.

"Mollie?" Camila called  loudly as she entered the entry way of her house, her voice bouncing off the walls and causing her to wince as she stripped from her jacket and kicked off her sneakers. "Are you here?"

"Yeah, I'm here."

Camila jumped slightly as she heard the voice and she slowly entered the living room where she found Mollie sitting on the couch, her elbows braced on her knees as she fiddled with the ring resting on her middle finger; Camila swallowed hard as she sensed the anger, she could practically feel it coming off of her sister in waves.

"Everything alright?" Camila questioned in a quiet tone as she stepped further into the room and noticed the way Mollie shook her head, her blonde lucks tumbling easily to frame her face. "Mollie, whatever it is, we should talk about it. You've never not given me a ride home from school before, and you've never ignored my texts."

A bitter smile slid across Mollie's lips, "Is that really all you care about?"

"Well, yeah." Camila scoffed with a small, clueless smile as she dropped into a nearby chair and glanced down at her nails in boredom before shrugging. "I waited for you for like thirty minutes before Una finally found me, and you didn't return any of my texts or phone calls so I had no clue what was going on."

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