Chapter 8

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Frankie yawned lightly as she opened her locker and crammed her books inside, staring into the metal compartment for a moment before flashing her eyes to the door where a layer of pictures were pressed; the brunette smiled lightly as she ran her finger over a single photo, her brown eyes taking in the memory.

It was a picture of her and Lauren back when they were just children, both too clueless to realize that in just a few short years both of their lives would be ripped away from them. For Frankie, her life had come to a quick halt not even three years later when her parents had been taken away from her by a drunk driver.

The young brunette took in Lauren's smiling face, the girl's hair tied back with red ribbons as she sat on Frankie's back both of them sporting bikinis. Chuckling, the brunette pressed her fingers to her lips before drawing them away and pressing them to the photo before reaching out to slam her locker shut.

"Frankie!" The girl glanced up and rolled her eyes as she saw Mollie moving towards her, and Frankie quickly turned on her heel and hurried down the hallway but before she could completely vanish, Mollie grabbed her by the wrist and turned her around quickly. "Hey, I was calling you. Did you hear me?"

"Yep," Frankie nodded.

"And you chose to ignore me?" Mollie frowned.

"That's right." Frankie chirped.

"Frankie, I hate when you do this." Mollie grumbled as she glared at her ex-girlfriend watching as the brunette looked at her with confusion in her brown eyes, her brow furrowing in silent question to her accusation. "Whenever something happens to you, and you don't want me involved, you become sarcastic and rude."

"Mollie, you don't need to be invovled in this. It's a mess already, and I'm trying to figure out everything. I can't...I can't do this with you right now." Frankie sighed as she flashed the blonde a saddended expression. "I need to focus on Lauren, she needs every ounce of my attention. I'm sorry, alright?"

"Come out with me for lunch." Mollie ordered as she grabbed a hold of Frankie's hand, not caring that there were floods of people filtering through the hallway. "Just come out to lunch with me, and let's get your mind off of things for just an hour. Please, you look dead on your feet right now."

"Mollie, I can't..."

"Yes you can, and you are." Mollie snapped as she cut the younger girl off, shooting her a stern glare and watching as a familiar smile pulled lightly at Frankie's lips before she rolled her eyes letting Mollie know that she had gotten her way. "Alright, I'll meet you at your locker and I'll take you out."

"Fine." Frankie grumbled.


Camila frowned lightly as she stepped into Lauren's hospital room and glanced around before locating the older girl curled in the window seat with her nose buried in a book, her dark locks swept to one side and her green eyes easily devouring the words that were written on the pages before her.

"Hey," Camila called causing Lauren to gasp slightly before the book slipped from her grasp and landed with a dull thud at her feet, Camila biting her lower lip before hurrying forward to scoop it up and offering it to the older brunette. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I didn't know how else to get your attention."

Lauren was silent as she took the book from Camila's hands, sliding a worn piece of paper in between the pages and closing the book before setting in at her feet and climbing from the window sill, her legs carrying her towards her bed where curled up on stark white sheets, staring down at her painted toes.

"I'm not supposed to be here, you know. I had to sneak back here, Frankie put me on the no visitor list." Camila confessed as she shrugged lightly, rubbing awkwardly at the back of her head. "I suppose she had every right to do that, but it was hard work convincing that desk lady that there was a crazy person outside."

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