Chapter 11

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"Hey, crazy girl, room for two more?"

Lauren glanced up from her book and beamed brightly at the sight of Dinah and Ally standing in the hospital doorway, the brunette squealing in excitement as she flew off the bed and into her friends' arms causing them to laugh in amusement as they squeezed Lauren in between them for a group hug.

"Lo, you don't realize how much we've missed you." Dinah sighed as she drew away from her friend, Lauren smiling softly before leading the two over to her bed, both plopping down comfortably on the end of it. "You have missed so much at school and it's only been like a week and a half."

"Fourteen days, D. I've been trapped in here for two weeks." Lauren corrected as she dragged a hand through her hair, huffing in annoyance as her fingers got caught in a knot. "I just can't wait to finally get out of here, I miss hanging out with you guys. The only friend I have here is a girl who eats her hair."

"Well, as long as she doesn't replace us then we're glad you at least have someone." Ally smiled, leaning forward to squeeze Lauren's knee causing the brunette to giggle lightly in amusement as she shook her head. "So, tell us what's new! Do you have any idea when you are going to get out of here?"

"My doctor says that I'm almost on my final stage, so probably another week or two. Apparently I've been doing really well." Lauren shrugged before she motioned for Dinah to turn around, the girl instantly crawling up the bed before sitting a few inches away from Lauren.

The three chatted for a while about different things, Lauren telling them about certain patients who had both Dinah and Ally in tears as they laughed. It was nice, Lauren watching both her friends giggle and banter back and forth while she simply sat there soaking it in; this was what she missed the most, her friends...her family.

"Where's Drew?" Lauren questioned.

"I dunno, him and Frankie went out to lunch or something." Ally replied as she looked around before noticing a few magazines nearby and leaning over to grab one, flipping through the pages before settling on a story that peaked her interest. "So, tell us something good, Lo. We miss your gossip."

"I think I might have a crush on Camila." Lauren confessed in a soft, simple tone.

"Excuse me?" Dinah sneered in horror as she carefully twisted her torso to face her friend, Lauren slapping her shoulder in protest as Dinah managed to mangle the braid Lauren had been working on. "Lo, you can't possibly have a crush on that girl. She has set out to make your life a living hell."

"I realize that, but I think she's changing." Lauren whispered, a gentle grin gracing her lips as she thought of the fifteen-year-old. "I know it's crazy, and unrealistic to even consider liking somebody like her but I can't help it. I mean, I know nothing is going to ever happen, but it's there and it's not going away."

"Well, if you like her then what's stopping you from telling her that?" Ally demanded as she set her gossip magazine aside, Lauren pausing in her braiding of Dinah's hair to stare at the older girl who shrugged lightly. "Lauren, you'd have to be blind not to see that Camila likes you. She always has."

"Oh yeah, because telling somebody to kill themselves is a great pick up line." Lauren snorted with a roll of her eyes as she took Dinah's hair back in her hands, threading it together lightly before reaching the bottom and tying it up. "There's no way Camila likes me, she just feels guilty."

"She put a ban on you at school." Dinah chirped as she turned her head to glance over her shoulder watching as Lauren's dark brow folded in confusion. "She said that if anyone touches you that they have to deal with her, or at least that's what she told Normani who spread it around the school."

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