Chapter 12

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"You put a ban on Lauren?"

"Una put a ban on Vanessa." Camila grumbled as she stared at her laptop screen not even bothering to lift her head to meet Mollie's gaze, the blonde sighing as she entered the room and lowered herself onto Camila's bed before offering her a plate of cookies. "And didn't you put one on Frankie?"

"Well, yeah." Mollie scoffed watching as Camila grabbed one sugar cookie before silently debating and grabbing three more, the brunette nibbling at the sweet as she shrugged her shoulders lightly as if her question had answered Mollie's. "But it's different, Frankie and I are dating."

"Good for you." Camila replied in a soft tone as she briefly lifted her gaze from where she had been scrolling through her Tumblr, Mollie rolling her eyes as she huffed in annoyance, Camila slamming her laptop shut. "What are you expecting me to say, Mollie? What would you like to hear?"

"Tell me what you have up your sleeve." Mollie ordered as she narrowed her eyes at the younger girl. "I love you, sis, but there's always an agenda with you. Especially when it comes to Lauren. So, what are you and Normani planning to do to her? Because if anything happens, I can't hold Frankie responsible for what she does to you."

"God, Mollie, I don't have a plan. I'm just being nice, alright?" Camila snarled as she threw her laptop aside, shooting it an apologetic look as she heard it thump once it met the carpet. "I just want to make up for everything that I did to her, alright? I want for her to come back to a school that doens't torture her, is that so bad?"

"No," Mollie sighed, her lips quirking into a smile.

"What are you smiling at?"

"You like her, don't you?" Mollie giggled before she watched the way Camila's cheeks lit up in a bright pink blush, the brunette ducking her gaze in an attempt to avoid making direct eye contact with her sister. "Oh my God, you have a crush on Lauren! Aww, this is so cute! I can't wait to tell Frankie."

"No! You can't!" Camila gasped as she flung herself forward to tackle Mollie onto the bed, grabbing a pillow and shoving it over the protesting blonde's face as she listened to Mollie groan and whine into the soft material. "If you tell your little girlfriend that I have a...thing for Lauren then she'll kill me."

Mollie grumbled something into the pillow before Camila slowly released her mouth causing the older girl to scowl as she sat up and ripped the pillow from her little sister's hand and smacking her with it, "Don't ever try to smother me again. And why on earth would Frankie try and kill you?"

"She told me to stay away from her." Camila sighed as she ran a hand through her hair, looking away for a long moment as she drew her lower lip into her mouth. "I mean, I don't blame her. I've landed her in the hospital twice. I'm not good enough for Lauren, I'm so toxic. It's terrible."

"You're not toxic, little babe." Mollie assured her as she ruffled her sister's dark locks, Camila blushing lightly. "And I know that Frankie told you to stay away, but maybe if you can show her that you're serious about being with Lauren then maybe she'll change her mind. Frankie isn't as heartless as you think."

"No, I get it, she's just protective." Camila grumbled as she looked away with a frown on her face as she clutched a pillow to her chest. "But I don't care about proving anything to Frankie, it's Lauren that I'm concerned about. I want her to know that I'm serious about changing, I want to make things better."

"And how do you plan to do that?" Mollie questioned with a raised eyebrow, Camila shrugging her shoulders lightly. "Cammy, you have to have a plan! It's not like you can just walk up to her and apologize and expect everything to be perfect. It's going to take time, you have to build a trust."

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