King For A Day

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I am sooooo sorry for the long wait! Hopefully this is enough for you guys! Love you all!

"Charbear, wake up." A voice sings.

"No." I groan.

"Well I guess you don't want to live with me." The voice pouts. I know who it is, Sophia. I groan and turn over, coming face to face with Sophia.

"Morning, love." She giggles and kisses my nose.

"Morning." I say and stretch.

"Time to get ready." Sophia smiles and walks into the bathroom.


"Hello Charlotte." Wes greets. It's just Wes, Sophia, Sophia's mom, and I now in some room. It looks like an office.

"Hi." I smile.

"Ready?" He beams. I start to feel nervous. I have to tell a whole jury about the beating. This should be interesting. I just can't let my suicidal self show. I can't let them know about the cutting, or they will take me away to rehab or something.

"Char!" Someone yells, but I can't respond. My mouth becomes dry. What if they see the cuts or find out? What am I going to do then?

"Charlie, you need to calm down. Everything is going to be okay." The voice says smoothingly and rubs my arm. I look over and notice it's Sophia. I nod and take deep breathes.

"Mom, can you get her water? And Wes, could you give us a minute?" Sophia asks. They nod and leave the room.

"Are you scared about the cuts?" She whispers. I nod unable to speak. "You know, no one has ever seen them before at school. They won't be able to see them. You hide them too well." She smiles. "Here I can put make up on them." She smiles. I nod and watch her as she takes off my bracelets. I watch her as she just works on the cuts not even asking why I have new ones. She finishes and puts the bracelets back on as her mom and Wes come back in.

"Everything good?" Wes asks as Linda hands me the water. I nod and drink it all.

"Alright. Let's go." Wes smiles. I nod and follow him. I grab my locket and squeeze it. I will be strong for my dad. I will tell them everything for my safety.

"So Charlotte, you have asked to talk to the jury and I before we make our final decision. Why?" The judge asks. I take a deep breath.

"There's another reason I don't want to live with my mother anymore." I say and look down at the ground.

"Why is this?" He asks.

"After my father died, my mother become a drunk. She would drink and drink and drink then come home things to me..." I take a deep breath before contining. "She beats me. She sometimes leave bruises like these." I say in a shakey and lift up my shirt to the bruises. A jury gasps. I quickly put down my shirt. "She beats me until I'm pretty much laying there dead. She calls me worthless. She makes me feel bad about myself. I can't go through it anymore especially coming from my mother. Your mother is suppose to be your rock and care for you. Mine beats me. I can't live with her anymore. I just can't go through this abuse anymore." I finsh with tears streaming down my face. This is the first time I have cried in front of people since my dad died. I fall onto the ground on my knees and cry. I feel someone help me stand but can't tell who it is because I'm blinded by tears.

"Shh, Charlie. It's okay." Blake? I look up and see Blake looking down at me. I burst into more tears and hold onto him. "Shh, come on." He whispers and leads me out.

"Oh, Charlie." Sophia says and runs over to me. She grabs me from Blake grip and hugs me. I cry as I hug her back. "I'm so sorry, Char. Everything will be okay. You'll be with me and my family soon." She coos as she strokes my hair. I nod and stop crying then look at the boys. Nathan is the first to hug me.

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