The Way She Feels

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Picture of Emily Osment as Megan George side! 

"We are here to discuss the custody of Charlotte Johnson. Please come forward Ms. Charlotte." The judge says. I shakily stand up and walk over. I feel everyone's eyes on me. Shit, I wish I could dissappear. 

"So Charlotte,"

I really hate how he's calling me that. Oh, well. I'm not gunna interupt the judge. Wait, he's talking to me. Shut up brain!

"Who would you like to gain custody over you?" 

"Linda Samuels." I say strongly which surprises me.

"Thank you, Charlotte. Now Wes and James, you may ask questions." I guess James' is my mom's laywer. 

"Charlotte, why would you want to live with Linda and not your own mother?" James asks.

"I'm happier with her. She's like my second mother. I get along with her son and daughter just fine. They're like my real family." I say.

"Your honor, this seems like a teenager just wanting to live with her friends." James states. I see all the guys glaring at him making me smile.

"That is all." Wes smiles. 

"That is all." James says.

"Thank you, Charlotte. Linda please come up." I hurry back to sit down and give Linda a hug before she goes up. I turn around to look at the boys. They're all smiling or nodding. I guess I did well.

"Linda, why do you believe you're a better guardian for Charlotte instead of Julie?" Wes asks.

"She's happier with my family. She's safe with us. She's always been a part of my family. I'm very capable of taking care of Charlotte." Linda smiles.

"That is all." Wes smiles.

"Linda, you have a son, don't you?" James asks.

"Yes." Linda nods.

"How old is your son?" 


"Don't you think it would be unsave with a 20 year old-"

"No." Linda says angrily. "My son only wants to protect Charlotte. He is already acts like an older brother to her." 

I turn around and see Riley with his arms crossed and glaring at James. I smile at him which he returns and uncrosses his arms.

"That is all." James says angrily. 

"Julie, please come forward." 

Linda turns and walks back while my mother stands and comes forward. Linda grabs my hand and squeezs it. I look up at her and smile.

"Julie, what makes you fit to keep custody over Charlotte?" James asks.

"I'm her mother. I love her dearly. I can not lose my only daughter after I have already lost my husband." My mother says as a tear rolls down her face. "I need my little girl to stay with me because I have no one else." 

I sit there shaking. She cares? No! She doesn't. It's a lie. She's only doing this because she needs someone to abuse when she's drunk. She doesn't love me. 

"That is all." James smiles.

"Wes, do you have anything to ask?" The judge asks and looks at Wes. He looks at me and I shake my head.

"That is all." He says and looks down. 

"Very well. We will all meet her again tomorrow." The judge says. Everyone walks out of the room. Sophia runs up to me and hugs me. 

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