Fallen Angels

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"Char, I have to tell you something." He says. My heartbeat quickens.

"What is it?" I asks in a whisper.

"You mean a lot to me." My heart is beating out of my chest. "I've never felt this way towards anyone before. You're beautiful, sweet, and perfect in everyway. I don't care what anyone else says. You're beyond perfect to me. Will you please be my girlfriend?"

My mouth goes dry and I sit there staring at Blake.

**Charlie's Pov**

I blink a couple times and realized what Blake just asked me. He asked me to be his girlfriend?! Holy shit! Wait, why is he just staring at me? Oh right! Because I never answered him! I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out. My mouth is too dry. I nod my head quickly. He smiles and cups my face then kisses me softly. He pulls away and hugs me tightly. I melt into his hug and smile into his chest. I'm dating Blake Michaels! Holy shit! He pulls away a little and looks down at me.

"We should probably head home." He whispers. I frown but nod. He's right. It's like ten already. I would rather stay with Blake, but I know Sophia is going to make me stay up and tell her everything that happened. He pulls away but holds my hand, and we head to the car.


Blake pulls up to Sophia and my house. He opens door, and I thank him and get out of his car. He holds my hand as he walks me to the door. When we get to the door, I turn and look at him. He smiles down at me causing me to blush and smile back.

"Good night gorgeous." He says and kisses me softly.

"Good night." I whisper as he walks away. I walk into my new home and lean against the door smiling.

"So how did it go?" I hear a voice ask from the couch.

"Holy shit!" I yell and place my hand on my chest. "Sophia!" I yell making her laugh.

"That's my name." She says with a smirk. I notice Riley is also sitting with Sophia.

"Looks like it went well considering you looked like you just woke up from an amazing dream." Riley says with a laugh. Sophia hits Riley on the chest.

"Don't be an ass! Charlie is happy so let her be fucking happy!" She says then smiles at me. I laugh and sit beside her on the couch. "So, seriously, how did it go?" She says with another smile.

"It was nice." I say knowing that's not what Sophia wants to know. She glares at me.

"Charlotte Johnson! You know that's not what I wanna know! I wanna know the juicy details!" She says with a smirk.

"Technically her last name is Samuels now because she's part of our family now." Riley says while staying on the other side of Sophia. I guess he wants to know the juicy gossip too.

"True, but that's not that important right now. I want details, Charlie." Sophia says, putting emphasize on the word details.

"Fine. Fine." I say then take a deep breath. I guess I gotta start from the beginning so here goes nothing.

"He took me to the aquarium, and Sage was there. Me and her talked a little, and he wondered how I knew her. I told him about me and my dad going there a lot. He asked if we should go somewhere else, and I told him know. Ya know? I didn't wanna ruin the date." Riley and Sophia nod. They knew about the aquarium and Sage and all that, so they were following all my blabbing.

"So we walked around the aquarium and just had a really good time. Then we went to the ice parlor and got ice cream. No shit right?" I say and laugh a little. The looks on their faces had the expression of really Charlie just shut up and get to the juicy stuff. So that's what I did.

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