Chapter 3

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Aj's POV

"No don't wake them" "But it's late, it's 11:00" "Ugh fine just let me take a picture" "You got it?" "Yea" "Ok you have to send me that! I'm gonna wake them up" "Ok" I heard which sounded almost distant. "Aj, Neyyy. Wake up it's 11:00" I heard Rafa say with a soft voice . "Mmm?" I moaned waking up "Good morninnnng" Jota sang softly which made me laugh. I look over to see Neymar beside me still asleep, I smile and stretch. "Neymar, wake up" I say hugging him "Wake up Neymarrr" "Ahuh?" he says squinting one eye "You gotta wake up it's 11:00" . "Just a little longer?" Neymar says wrapping me in his arms and pulls me in to his chest feeling his breath on the top of my head, I laugh and say "Enough! You gotta wake up!" "Fiiine" he says groaning. "Breakfast is on the table ok?" Jo says and I nod. I slowly waddle over and sit down and eat my french toast. When I finish I put my dishes in the washer and turn around to see Neymar and Jo walking out the door "I got a hair appointment so I'll be back around 2:00" Ney says "Ok don't do anything stupid to your hair!" "I won't!" he shouts back.

Jota's POV

Before when I saw Rafa, I told her about what I thought was going on with Ney and Aj, she thought the same thing. It was good to hear a girls opinion on what I thought was happening to Ney because girls usually see these things first. I'm still not 100% sure but it wouldn't kill to ask right, I'm just gonna wait for good moment to ask. But if I'm right, it would be great for them, but if I'm not I guess things stay normal. But Rafa does see it too and says he might not even notice it yet himself. I'll just ask him when we get there.. which is now wow that was fast, ok here we go, I took a deep breath in.

Neymar's POV

"Can I ask you something?" Jo says, "Yea go ahead" "...Are you falling for Aj?" I was a bit confused "I'm not sure if I know what you mean?", "Do you like Aj?" I had to stop and think for a second "Hello?" Jo asked "Yea I'm thinking, did she say she liked me or something?" "No, I was just wondering" Jo says "Give me time to think about it" I say entering the hair stylist.
Do I like her? I mean of course I do she's like family! But do I like her in another way? Well let's see.. I think she's pretty and I like having her around, she makes me laugh and feel like a kid. But I have a lot of friends that make me feel that way! Ok well let's see if there's anything that makes her different from the others.. Well thats stupid of course she's different from the others shes Aj! I can't really think of anything that proves that I like her or I don't! "Having trouble?" Jo asks "Yea can't really prove if I do or don't" "Ok, I'll try to help out." Jo says as he starts to think. "What's your favourite thing about her?" "I don't know, I can't choose! Everything about her is nice" "Ok well what's your favourite memory together" he asked me. "How can I choose one, you could ask that about any of my friends and I wouldn't be able to choose!" "Ok well how about.." I stopped him. "This isn't helping sorry. I don't think I do, but I'll give it time to think about it" I say  continuing on my phone. "Ok" was all he could say.

Rafaella's POV

I texted Jo;
Did you ask?
He responded almost immediately.
Yea and he said he doesn't know, he said he doesn't think so but I think he does!
Oh well maybe he needs some help. Just the way he looks at her.. It's different!
Yea but it might take a while.
Well that's fine but he has to realize he does!
Yea! I gtg.
Ok ttyl.
He likes her! Why can't he see that! Good thing I have a way with my words to make him realize what's right in front of him. Sometimes he's just an idiot. "Hey wanna get some lunch?" Aj asked me walking into my room, "Uh yea sure. What should we get?" "I was thinking maybe pizza?" "Ok yea sure!"

Jota's POV

I hope Rafa's got something planned cause I ran out of ideas. "Hey I'm done! Is it good?" Ney says coming back to the car "Yea" I said even tho the only thing different was that the sides were shorter, whatever. We got in the car and started to go home, I turned the radio on and ironically Photograph was playing. Neymar looked at the radio laughed and looked to where he was driving.
We got home to find the girls dancing and singing.

Rafa's POV

"♪Everybody wanna steal ma girlll, everybody wanna take her heart away! Couple billion in the whole wide world, find another one cause she belongs to me!♪" Aj and I sang along to the radio and laughed. I took another bite of my pizza when the boys came in, "Hey did you do anything stupid?" Aj asked Ney "No!" He said and blushed a bit and Aj laughed. "Want some pizza?" I asked them "Sure" they both said grabbing a piece. "♪Just a stained, coffee cup, just a fingure print of lipstick's not enough.." The radio started, everyone looked at Aj because it's her favourite song. She looked like a child that was told she was going to disney world, "The sweet, from where you layyy, still a trace of innocence on your pillow caseee.." She got up and sang at the top of her lungs dancing everywhere, "WAKING UP, BESIDE YOU I'M A LOADED GUN, I CAN'T CONTAIN THIS ANYMORE, I'M ALL YOURS I'VE GOT NO CONTROL, NO CONTROLLLLL" she sang dancing as we laughed. She is so full of energy sometimes you wonder if she's crazy, but really this is just another average day in the Neymar house. I look over to him to see him watching Aj smiling and laughing as if she was a clumsy puppy, he's so falling for her.

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