Chapter 7

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Rafaella's POV

Jo and I were talking about Aj and Ney, I couldn't hold in what I wanted to say and he was the only one who knew. I checked my twitter and saw something I did not want to see "Might as well forget about what we just talked about", confused Jo asked me "What do you mean?" "Look" I showed him my phone which had a picture of some slut on my brother "Oh god Neymar!" he said putting his face in his palms. "I'm gonna call him" he said frustrated, "Hello?" "Neymar? Where are you?" "I'm in madrid's airport coming home why?" "There was a picture of you kissing this girl! What are you thinking man what about Aj!" "Look it wasn't my fault! She kissed me and I pushed her off and walked away I swear! It didn't even last for 2 seconds!" "Then how did the camera man notice and take a shot! What was he spiderman!?" "Look there were photographers everywhere! It was a team dinner so one must've followed me to the bar to get a drink ok!? It wasn't my fault!" Jo took a breath "Ok, but you're gonna have to tell Aj when you get home. I'll tell her before but it would be good to hear it from you, you did promise her you would stop sleeping around." "Yea I know, k thanks bud bye" "Bye". Jo hung up. "We should go find Aj now" I said paying the waiter "Yea" he said getting his jacket.
"Aj you home!?" I shouted into the house, "Yea I'm over here" she was on the sofa looking kinda upset and had a chocolate bar in her hand. "You saw the news huh?" I said sitting beside her, she nodded taking a bite into the chocolate. "It wasn't his fault you know, we called him. He said she kissed him for barely 2 seconds, the paps were around so they got a snap, but what they didn't show was that he pushed her off and walked away. He's actually coming home now" when I told her the new information her attitude got a bit brighter. "He's coming home now?" "Yea he was in the airport when we called him" she was curled up but she nodded, I could tell she was smiling. "He should be home in an hour or so", Let's see what will happen then.

Neymar's POV

I opened the front door and saw Jo first, I raised my eyebrows and looked at Aj to ask if she knows without saying it. He nodded. "Hey Neymar!" Rafa said getting up "We'll give you some time alone" she whispered and Jo and Rafa went upstairs. Aj walked toward me a bit less cheerful than usual, "It was a good ga-" I quickly pulled her into a hug "I'm sorry, I promised you I wouldn't sleep with anyone because I could and I didn't! I kept my promise!" I said trying to convince her "Yea I know, Rafaella told me you pulled away." "I did! I wouldn't have betrayed my promise. I know that was important for you." "Yea" she said smiling. "Let's go for a walk" "O-ok" she said probably surprised because I don't just go out for walks.

Aj's POV

Ney and I went out and decided to go to a quiet neighbourhood so he might not get noticed. "So how have you been recently" he smirked "Uh well good Rafa's been helpful with the university stuff and my old friend Grace is gonna be in town, we were gonna get our gloves and bats just for fun." "Oh sounds good! And how have you been feeling?" I was a bit confused why he was asking these stuff all of a sudden but it was kinda nice. "I've been fine, you know feeling good, I haven't really felt depressed recently, a bit upset at some points but yea I'm good." "That's good, someone like you doesn't deserve to feel bad. If anyone ever hurts you, tell me and I'll hunt them down and beat their ass" I smiled and remembered about the time Neymar got his arm sliced, I touched his arm where the cut was "I know.. thank you" I whispered to him and kissed his cheek. We had stopped walking, we were in a park actually, I never really realized where I was going. As I pulled back he stopped me and looked straight into my eyes, it almost felt like he was looking beyond them really. I looked back at his green eyes that reminded me of the field itself, there was a look in his eye I've never seen before. He got closer to me, I wasn't quite sure what was going on until I felt his lips on mine. I was shocked, but I kissed back, I didn't really know why but I did, I closed my eyes as the kiss grew more passionate. I got lost in the moment but when he pulled back I came back to reality, but I still wasn't sure of what was going on!? Did I just kiss Neymar!? But he's your best friend! He got closer to me again, "You don't know how much I've wanted to do that" he smiled at me and grabbed my hand "You know.. I like you.. A lot actually.. And I have for a while-" I kissed him again, I wrapped my arms around his neck. I didn't see it before but I liked him too, a lot, it was early to say but I think I love him. Why would I have felt so broken if he slept with other girls? Why was it that when he laughed I was mesmerized? I love him and I never knew, but I guess it was there all along. The kiss was so romantic, at night in a park that was light up by the street lights and it was with Neymar, who's lips were so soft. When I pulled back I think Ney wanted it to keep going because he leaned in a bit trying to save it, "I like you too" I smiled and gave him a peck.

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