Chapter 23

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Going to Japan

Aj's POV
"Everybody have everything they need?" Senior said to everyone body before going through the door, "Yes" everyone groaned as this was probably the 10th time he asked. "Ok see you guys soon!" he said hugging Rafa and Mar, we all said our goodbyes to them and got in the car. Rafa and Mar were coming to Japan a few days later than us so that's why they were staying behind, me, Ney, Jo, and Senior are going first.
We were on a commercial plane and a few people would stop and look with a shocked face. Only a few people actually asked for a photo with Ney but eventually we got to our seat. He told me that I should sit on the window side as he already has the last time he went to Japan. "Are you excited?" Ney asked "Yea it's like the first time I'm actually gonna go out and look around in a foreign place!" I said not counting back in brazil or barcelona. He smiled and nodded "You'll like it there".

The plane ride was long, very long. It's only a few hours more than Sao Paulo to Barcelona but it felt much different. I tried to sleep as much as I could so it would pass the time, lets just say I had a harder time doing so than Ney did. I was starving but could barely eat because I find plane food just sickening. Finally the flight was over and I felt like crap, then I went to the washroom in the airport and.. Oh look! I look like crap! I put some concealer on and put some mascara on since I didn't before, I looked at my eyebrows and was glad that they looked fine.
After we got our suitcases we headed towards the doors, when they opened there was press and fans waiting. They all stood back and didn't invade, very respectful, of course they shouted out Neymar's name but it was quite quiet compared to other crowds. Ney stopped at a few interviewers for a quick short interview and got to some fans to sign things, I always find it odd to see so many hands reaching out for one person. We were letting Neymar lead for the people to get photos of him since they sometimes tell us to move. Senior was just talking to me to see if I had everything and I tried to assure him I did then Neymar called me. He reached his arm out to me and wrapped it around my waist. "You ok?" he asked, he always asks ever since the incident, "Yea I'm fine" I said, I've gotten more used to it luckily. He gave me a kiss and the cheek and started walking to the exit. We got to the car and got in, as we drove to the hotel I saw the beautiful city lights in the night. Tokyo was huge but crammed, in a nice way. And one thing I saw almost more than I saw people, was vending machines, really colourful vending machines and got excited to use one myself.

Neymar's POV

I watched Aj look out the window in amazement, "Wow" I said still looking at her, "Yea, wow" she said still looking out the window. "I wasn't talking about the city" I chuckled and she looked at me then smiled at her feet, "Stop" she said still smiling and looked back at the window. I laughed, "I love you" I said and she looked back at me and smiled again "I love you too" and she gave me a kiss. "Eugh!"Jo said from the seat behind and we laughed, "Save it for the hotel room!" he said. "Oh shut up!" I said back to him, I saw my dad shake his head which made me laugh. "Loosen up old man! Stop worrying, everything is fine!" I shouted to him, "It's just.." "What?" I said. "I don't remember where I left my phone." I started to laugh, "You put it in the front pocket of your suitcase, I saw you and thought 'he's not gonna remember where he put it'". "Are you sure?" he asked, "Yes!" "Hmm, maybe Aj's maturity is rubbing off of you." "Whatever." I turned back to the front. Aj does act like a kid sometimes but at the same time she's quite mature. "We're here guys" Jo said opening the door. Our translator helped us check in, as soon as Aj and I got in the room we dropped our bags and fell onto the
bed. We were both exhausted from the travel and fell asleep almost right away.

[ Sorry this chapter is short and not very good, had a hard time writing it]

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