Chapter 8

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Neymar's POV

"YES!" I heard a recognizable voice a bit far away, it was Rafa and Jo. They must've followed us but kept their distance, I laughed at the thought and saw Aj looked surprised. "Yea they kinda new.." I scratching my head "Oh, did you tell them to follow you?" she asked laughing "That I didn't. But before they come over let me ask." she was smiling bright, "You wanna be my girlfriend?" "Of course." she brought me in for another quick kiss. "YOU GUYS ARE ADORABLE!" Rafa shouted across the park walking towards us as we laughed. They finally reached us and Rafa took her phone out "Look I got a photo of your first kiss!" "Great we have our own little paparazzi" Aj said with my arm around her "Hey gotta keep the fans updated!" she said. It was a really nice photo though, "Ok but don't do this all the time ok?" "Yea ok!" "Oh and don't post that yet, I wanna keep it a bit low for a bit because if the media sees Ney with '2' girls on 1 day. Surely it won't be very good for his reputation" "Oh ok good point, but can we tell a few friends and family? Jo and I have been dying to talk to someone about it but all we had was each other and that was not enough people." "Hey!" Jo said lightly hitting Rafa "It's true!" she shrugged her shoulders. "I guess but only a few, and tell them not to get it to the media!" "Of course" Jo said more calmly than Rafa would. "Let's head back home before anyone hears us" I said "Yea ok" Jo replied, as we started to walk back from the park I saw Aj look back at the park and smiled then looked down, I kissed the top of her head and held her hand. It was great, just like how I imagined it.

It was a bit later into the night while we were watching tv but Jo already went to bed, "Well I'm gonna gonna go to bed" she said with a big yawn. "Oh yea wait I had to say something!" Aj and I looked over the sofa to look at her "Since you guys are already really close friends you guys can almost start in the middle of the relationship! Ok that's all goodnight!" "Night!" we shouted. "You know she has a point actually." "Yea I guess so.. hm" she said kinda shrugging it off. "That was a cute picture of you and me though" "Yea it was, I was thinking of asking Rafaella to send it to me." "Oh can you ask her to send it to me too?" "Sure" she pulled out her phone and texted her. "Good thing a few of your fans already ship us" and she laughed "Yea they will be happy when they hear the news". I still get worried about my friends or family getting hate, but they got used to it, I'm a bit scared that Aj will get more hate now she's my girlfriend though. "Some people even have acc's about us wow! They're like the larries of your fandom" she laughed since she was a larrie herself. She was a pretty big fan of One direction, I quite like a few of their songs plus Niall is a friend. Since she's a bit of a fan girl herself she helps me out on what I should do to make them happy, she actually kind of disguised herself with a ig acc about me and 1d, it's one way we stalk the fans. Some of the conversations they have are pretty funny, "Have you posted anything to tell the fans nothing happened with that girl?" "No, I guess I'll do that now, do you mind helping?" "Yea sure" I gave her my phone to take the video "Hi! I just wanted to say to not believe everything the media says because nothing happened with that girl. Anyways thank you for your support and I want you to know whoever I date I will still love you guys thanks! Bye!" Aj gave me my phone back "That was good they will like that" I smiled and kissed her on the cheek "Thanks" I said and posted the video. Immediately there were likes and comments and decided to read a few of them later. "Well it's 12:00 so I'm gonna go to bed too" Aj said getting up "Ok I might as well go too" I followed her upstairs. "Well goodnight sweet dreams! And one goodnight kiss?" I asked leaning in she gave me a peck and said goodnight and walked into her room.
After I changed into my boxers I checked my phone and saw Rafa sent me the photo, I saved it then set it as my lock screen. Everything went well, and I closed my eyes

Aj's POV

I'm still a bit confused at what happened tonight but I'm really happy it happened. The photo was really cute, I'm actually kinda glad they followed us. Some of the Neymarzetes call us Jaymar and also use hashtags with Jaymarisreal, they reversed the letters in my name and added the second half of Ney's name. My name is American since my mom was American and she liked that name growing up, whenever people make ship names for me it's always a but different because I only have 2 letters. But anyway I thought I would give them a sign that they were right so I posted the photo a bit blurred and didn't put a caption or tagged Neymar. I counted to 10 and deleted the photo off of ig, I texted Ney that if someone asks about us either ignore them or change the subject because I wanted to wait 1 week. I was excited I couldn't go to bed, I was so happy! I just could not get Neymar out of my head.

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