Chapter 4

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*The next day*

Rafaella's POV

Jota and I figured out what to do, kinda. Jo was gonna stay at home with Aj while I go out for lunch with Ney for "sibling time".  I'm gonna ask him again if he likes her and if he still says he doesn't know or no, well I might as well slap him, he looks at her with so much love and they always have a great time together. Any idiot should be able to see that. I grab my purse with my phone, I was wearing a grey hoodie and black skinny jeans with black vans, I looked at myself in the mirror and thought it was good enough for a day out in public with my brother. "Ready to go?" I asked Ney finding him downstairs "Yep" he responded following me. "When will you guys be back?" Aj asked as we headed out the door, I looked at the clock it said 12:30, "Around 1:30 or 2:00" and she nodded as I closed the door behind me.

"I know" I say to him taking a sip of my drink, "Know what?" he asked looking confused. "That you like Aj" I said taking a frie, "Wha-but I don't even know" he says blushing. "What do you mean, the way you look at her, the way you treat her, the way you act around her. You like her!" I said a bit sick of his sh*t. "But I don't-" "Just admit it Ney!-" "Fine!" he cut me off. "I like her! I have for a while now actually" he said a bit pissed off "How long?" I asked "I don't know a few months.. But I don't want to like her! So I convinced myself that I didn't, but recently the feeling has grown stronger so I've been a bit confused what to think." he said looking down. "Why don't you want to like her, I don't get it?" I asked him "Because.. what if she doesn't like me, that would make our relationship kinda awkward for a bit. And what if we do date or something, but we break up for something! What if she breaks my heart!" He said looking at me close to tears. "You've known her almost all your life, she won't break your heart. And if you do break up, obviously then it's for the best, but that doesn't mean you can't be friends! Plus if she doesn't like you she won't act that awkward, she acts the same! I've seen it happen before! Her friend liked her but she didn't like him, but she acted the exact same!" "Then where is he now?" he asked "He moved away and we lost touch, but you two are closer than that! She's like family!" He just stared at his food for a while, "Ok" he said "But what do I do" "Tell her, when the moment is right, or sometime romantic, shes a sucker for romantics" I told him and he looked a bit more hopeful now "Ok, but I'm telling her not you!" he said "Ok!" I said putting my hands in the air. I was so happy for him, I texted Jo the news;
Hey! What did he say?
He likes her! He has for a few months apparently.
O wow. So what is he gonna do?
Tell her when the time is right
Ok bye
I put my phone away and smiled, They're going to be a great couple.

*Flash back*

Neymar's POV

I heard yelling from behind me, I couldn't make out what they were saying because I had my headphones in. I turn around to see guys yelling at me, haters, I turned around and ignored them. "Shut up! Like your anywhere near his level!" I heard Aj say and turned around. "Yea well I guess we should all bow down to missy over here!" one of the guys shouted walking towards her, knowing Aj she won't back down, she's strong but the guys were bigger than her. "Hey! Leave her alone!" I shouted walking over to them "Why what are you gonna do about it baby boy" he said pouting and laughing. "Walk away Aj" I said to her without breaking eye contact with the idiot in front of me, "She can stay! I kinda like her!" He said smirking and eyeing her up and down. "Don't even think about it!"  I shouted getting closer to his face, next thing I knew his fist hit me across the face. "Neymar!" Aj shouted, I wiped the blood from my lip and laughed. I punched the guy in front of me and followed with a knee in his stomach. One of the guys behind him pushed me down as Aj ran to me "Are you ok?" she asked a bit frightened "Yea I will be a second" I said getting up and continued the fight, it was 3 against 1 but one of them ran off. I hit the first jerk making him fall to the ground, I saw him pull a blade out of his pocket "F*ck" I cursed to myself. "Let me go you dirtbag!" Aj shouted, she elbow him in the stomach and freed her, I ran over to her grabbing her arm and running home. I felt a blade slice across the back of my arm "Ah!" I shouted and covered the cut with my hand. When we entered the house I looked at Aj "Are you ok" and she hugged me tightly "Shouldn't I be the one asking that?" she whispered in my ear. I smiled and told her "I'll be here for you, no matter what I'll save you." I told her and I really meant it, she let go of me and smiled with tears running down her face, that was the first time I saw her cry, "Thank you" was all that she could say but I could tell she meant more.
*End of flash back*

I look at my arm to see where I got cut, it's healed now but I can still see it like it's still there. Rafa and I entered the house to find Jota watching tv and Aj drawing something, Rafa, Aj and I could all draw pretty well but Rafa and Aj are better.  "Hey how was lunch?" Aj asked "Good!" Rafa said smiling at me and I rolled my eyes. "What are you drawing?" I asked while looking over at the paper "Eh I don't really know, I'm just kinda going with the flow." I nodded and walked over to Jo to join him "Nice" Jo said smiling at me. I figured out that he knew I guess, I hope that's all the people who knows. "You know what?" Aj suddenly said "What?" Jo asked "I think I might apply at university for design." "Yea that would be good for you! Isn't there one in Barcelona?" "Yea I think so, not too far from here actually." Jo said, "Oh that's great! All I have to do is do some background research, and wait for the next year to start!" Aj said with excitement biting her lip and walking away.

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