Chapter 16

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Aj's POV
Neymar woke me up as he was still getting dressed, it took me a second to get up and get changed myself. I put on a grey jumper with black skinny jeans, Neymar had gone downstairs to get breakfast, I checked my phone and saw Neymar tagged me in something. I looked at the photo of me sleeping and him kissing my cheek, I was embarrassed at the sight of me sleeping and not looking the best for a photo. I realized it was cute though, I liked the photo and put my phone in my pocket. I went down the stairs and Ney handed me my breakfast, "Thanks" I said to him taking the plate. After I finished I put the plate in the washer and went up to brush my teeth, I did my makeup for a casual look and went back down. "So beautiful got anything planned for tomorrow?" Neymar asked me, "Uhmm, no, I don't" "Great! A day for you and me!" he said with a smirk and I laughed. "Ok let's go I don't want to miss the plane!" Rafa said grabbing her bags, the boys took a suit case and put it in the car.
We were all just jamming out in the car, singing, dancing, it was so much fun. But once we got to the airport it started to get pretty quiet. We're always upset to see Rafa go, but we always know she will be back soon. We all gave her a hug goodbye, Neymar was last and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She said bye to Neymar and grabbed her bags, "Goodbye guys! I'll see you soon! Don't worry!" she said waving "Goodbye Rafa! We love you!" we shouted blowing a kiss then waving "Bye! I love you guys too!" she said and walked off. A few people had noticed us when we were saying our goodbyes, they were polite enough to ask for a photo after. "Uhm.. is it ok if I.. uh get a photo with both of you?" a girl a bit younger asked shyly. "Me too?" I asked a bit surprised she wanted me in the photo, "If it's ok?" she said "Oh.. yea! Sure!" I said getting closer for the photo. "Thanks!" she said after someone took the shot "By the way you two are adorable together!" she said "Awh thanks!" I said giving her a hug. Neymar was just smiling the whole time. There were quite a few fans there, also who wanted me in the photo, yes I've been asked a few times in my life for a photo because I was friends with Ney but not as many as today. I guess it was kinda nice, but after a bit the crowd got bigger and bigger.

Neymar's POV
The crowds grew, word must have got out that we were here, there was so many people I could barely see the exit. I never really liked it when people would come to the place I was because I'm there, it's different if they were already there or if I said I was going there. I just find it rude for the people who were already there because it makes it hard for them to leave or even move. Security came over to me and asked where I was trying to get to, "I'm trying to get to my car outside!" I shouted over the yelling mob, "Ok we will help you out" he said and said something to the other guards. I looked behind me and saw Jo and Mar "They're gonna help us get out!" I shouted to them and they nodded. Gil and Jo have been in this kind of situation before but Aj and Mar haven't, I realized I couldn't see Gil and Aj "Where's Gil and Aj!?" "Gil's right here!" Mar said moving aside to show he was right behind her facing the other way. "Gil!" I said getting his attention "Where's Aj!?" "She got separated! Girls are mobbing around her in a separate group!" he shouted looking back. I moved over to where he was to see a group of girls all faced to one point in the circle "She's in the middle!" he said "I'm gonna go get her! get a guard to help out!" I said and he nodded and went over to the guard I was with before. As I pushed my way through the girls when they realized it was me they would start to grab me and yell my name. I got myself closer to the centre and heard people shouting out names "Ugly!" "Whore!" "Slut!" "You're bullshit!" they were yelling at her. I got mad that my own fans were putting down someone I cared about. I pushed harder to get to her, there were a few people standing up for her, yelling at the people who yelled at her. I could finally see her, Aj looked scared to death people grabbing her, pushing her. "Stop! Stop!" I shouted getting to her and wrapping my arms around her, people grabbed at my arms to let go but I didn't. She hid her face into my chest "Aj! We gotta go!" I shouted over the mob, she looked up at me with fear still in her eyes and nodded. I held her tight and made my way through the crowd, I knew Aj was 5x more scared than other people would be because she was a bit claustrophobic. I reached one of the guards, "Here! We will hold them off!" he shouted pointing over to more guards in front of us. They made a kind of oval around us holding everyone back, we finally got to the doors where 2 guards opened the doors, we got to the car and went inside to see everyone in the car with Jo at the drivers seat. "Are you guys ok?" Mar asked, I didn't reply and just looked at Aj, she was shaking a bit "Yea.. I'm.. I'm.. ok-" she started to cry. I brought her into my chest kissing the top of her head "It's ok now, it's ok" I tried to calm her. I looked up to see everyone shocked at the sight of Aj crying, Mar reached over and stroked her arm feeling bad. After a few minutes Aj stopped crying and calmed down, no one asked what happened so they wouldn't start her up again, I didn't let go of her, I just kept her in my arms.

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