Chapter 19

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Aj's POV

I woke up to the sound of running water, I figured out it was Ney taking a shower when I realized he wasn't beside me. I got up and put my hair up in a messy bun and started to get dressed. The water stopped and after a few minutes Ney came out of the bathroom (the rooms were connected) with a towel around his waist. "Hey babe" he said giving me a kiss, "I had an amazing time yesterday" he said smiling, "Me too, especially last night" I said biting my lip and giggling. "Especially last night" he repeated me and gave me another kiss. As we continued to kiss I put my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me. His hands started to travel up my back when there was a knock, "Neymar-" it was Jo and we instantly separated. "Aren't you supposed to wait for a reply before you come in?" Ney said giving Jo a bit of shit, "Yea uh sorry it's just your gonna be late for your photo shoot" Jo said to Ney a bit awkwardly "Oh shit! I forgot!" Ney taking big steps towards the closet. "I got a photo shoot for lupo I'm sorry Aj" he said grabbing an outfit "It's ok" I said as Jo walked away and I shut the door. "You can come if you want" He said not covering his member while getting his underwear on, which made me think about last night even more,"Yea ok I'll come" I said heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth "Thank you" he said smiling. I spit out my toothpaste and he laughed "I love you" I wiped my mouth and walked over to him "I love you too" and pecked his lips. "Are you ready?" "Yea" "Then let's go!" he said opening the door.
I was definitely in a good mood, satisfied. I think Ney was too because he seemed a bit brighter than usual. Last night definitely got us closer to each other.
I did my makeup in the car while the boys talked about Jo's day yesterday. "So yeah that's all we did. What did you guys do yesterday?" Jo asked and I looked at Ney in the mirror of the car with a What do we say? look and he just said "Uhh I'll tell you after the shoot ok?" "Oh yea ok" Jo said as we drove up to the building where the shoot was.
At the shoot they just got singles of Ney in the beginning but Davi came and joined. It was really cute because they wanted intimate photos of the two so they "acted" all cuddly and sweet. Neymar was a good dad for Davi, he had a busy schedule but he will always have some kind of contact with him. Sometimes it's not his turn with Davi but he's always asking Carol about him, it's cute.
While Ney and Davi did their shoot Jo, Carol and I talked, sure it was a bit awkward with Carol but we used to be pretty good friends when Ney didn't get her pregnant. It came to the point where no one had a topic to talk about for the conversation, but I knew this would come up at some point. "Uhh so uh I heard about you and Neymar, hows that going?" Carol asked awkwardly. "It's great, yea, he's uh really sweet." I said not wanting to say more to get her mad, she nodded and I looked over to see Jo cringing to the floor. "Davi loves having shoots with Neymar.. He really likes spending time with him." Carol said and I nodded "Yea it seems like he has a lot of fun" I said before a long pause, I realized Jo had left at some point to god knows where. "Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if Davi had parents that were together from the beginning. But Ney and I never had something romantic like you two do." Carol said and somehow it didn't feel awkward. "Sorry I don't really know what I'm saying" she said laughing, "It's ok I get what you mean" I said. "I just hope you guys work out" she said with a smile. "Thank you" was all I could respond with, wanting to say more. She walked away over towards the washroom. A minute after Davi and Ney were done they quickly went to the change room and came back out the same time Carol came back from the washroom. Carol came up beside me as Ney carried Davi over to us, "Hi mama!" Davi said loudly making her laugh "Hi!" she said back, Ney handed Davi to Carol and said goodbye to them. "Sorry for the long wait" he said giving me a kiss, "It was fine! I just have no clue where Jo went" he looked at me with a confused face. "Uh ok I'll call him but lets head to the car" he said taking his phone out. As we got close to the door Jo was right there with a sandwich in his hand. "Where did you go?" I asked him as he took a bite, "Oh I got hungry so I went to the restaurant beside here" and Ney laughed covering his face. "Well you could've at least said something" I said laughing. "Sorry" Jo said and took another bite.

Jo's POV

We walked over to the car with Neymar's arm around Aj's waist the whole way. There were a few photographers outside waiting for Ney to come out. They were there when I got my sandwich too. They followed us after we passed them, they kept shouting Ney's name as usual but some also called Aj's. She seemed a bit confused but Ney said something in her ear and she nodded and made her smile. When we got to the car Neymar was still saying something in Aj's ear while playing with the rim of the bottom of her shirt around her. Ney finally separated from her and unlocked the car, I got in the front beside Ney. I leaned over to Ney so Aj wouldn't hear, "So your gonna tell me what you guys did yesterday when we get back?"

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