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(A/n look this warbler dork)

Lima,Ohio what a wonderfull's not.At least according to Newt it isn't.The blonde boy had spent his first twelve years in London and then one day out of the blue his parents announced they were going back to America.Of course since he was born in England he was stuck with the english accent,lucky for him girls found it sexy.

However Newt's life was the definition of perfect.He ruled Mckinley highschool,he was what girls wanted to have and what boys dreamed.Who could ask for more?

As he was sleeping he could feel a warm breathe against his face but he was too tired to open his eyes.Soon after a while he felt the tongue licking his face.

"Just five more minutes,Snow"he murmured and turned on the other side.

"Don't worry you tried"his mother said and petted the small puppy"Honey it's time for school.Mihno came and your sister will be here in a minute"

"Can't I skip for today?"

"Sorry baby but it's important.It's your first day as a Junior"

"To be fair,dad always skipped school"Newt scoffed and got up.He grabbed a pair of pants,his white shirt and football jacket.

"And where did that lead him?He almost not graduate"

It was true,his dad wasn't the best student back in the days.However it all changed when he decided to join the army and became a general in the force.His mother was more lucky,having graduate from Yale,she became a succesfull doctor,kardiologist to be exact.

Newt got dressed and headed down to the kitchen where he found Mihno eating crepes...his crepes.

"Why do I always find you eating our food?"

"Because I'm your best friend"he said and filled his mouth with more food"And you love me"

"Hey are you gu--that's my crepe!"Newt knew this vouce very well,too well actually.It came from his older sister Beth.She wasn't living with them because they had given her up for adoption.Newt's parents had her when they were too young and gave her away.Of course Beth knew who her real parents were and she would visit them often.

"I don't see your name on it!"

"One more word and you'll go by foot"


Thomas woke up at 6 sharp.Not a minute later and not a minute earlier.He made his warm tea,two bowls of cereals for his brother and sister,along with two cups of coffee for his parents.

"Good morning"his little brother,Chuck yawned.

"Morning Chuck"

"Man I had a terrible sleep,Tracy made me check her closet and bed for monsters...NINE TIMES"Thomas laughed at his brother and handed him the bowl.

"I needed to be sure"Tracy shout from upstairs"Tom do we have nuttela?"

"You can't have nuttela for breakfast"

"Pleaseee"the young girl made her voice even more soft and gave him the cutest puppies eyes

"Okay but don't tell"The boy extended his hand and they gave a pinky promise.

"Don't tell what?"a man asked fixing his bowtie

"Morning dad"they all said at the same time.

"Are you ready for school?"

"If by school you mean a hell in which I get slushied in every break,yes I am ready"Thomas replied and grabbed an apple.

"You know that you can always get transferred to Dalton,right?I spent my school years there and it's amazing"

"I know but I'm strong I can do it.I'll just have to take some extra shirts with me"he said and grabbed his back pack"Bye"

"Don't forget,we'll go to Lima Bean after school"


"Mr Figgins I nee--"Sam Evans was left speechless as soon as he entered the principal's office"Coach Sylvester?"

"It's principal Sylvester for you Justin Bieber"

"I thought you were done with Mckinley"

"I was Kentucky stripper...but I realized my true love is ruining people's lifes."Sue answered as she looked over at her computer"890$ for sneak?!Dobermans cost less"

"Do you know what is this?"he asked and handed her a paper which said Auditions

"Well it appears to be an entry for your lame glee club which is filled with not funny names.Slinthead?Shuckin shuckface?Mihno is fabulous?Back in the days the names were funny"

"I don't get it.We have won Nationals so many times why can't they see that glee is popular?"

"Because it isn't"Sylvester murmured"Show choirs will never be popular,it's just a bunch of idiots singing and dancing.I can see that in The Voice."

"That's no--"Sam started thinking for a while and he started grinning"I need the audotirium"

"If I give it to you,will you leave?"


"Then take it and out of my office"

The boy nodded and left quickly,he took off his phone and called a number which had a heart on it.

"Hey it's me.I need your help,I'm gonna find some new talents"

Meant To Be + Chase Them AwayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora