We fell and it was a tragedy

18 3 2



Rachel has a little mother to son talk with Thomas...and Daisy.Brenda learns more about Marley and finally Quinn faces Thomas.


Songs used for this chapter:
Chasing pavements by Melissa Bennoist
Monsters by Timeflies


~Warning:This is clearly a personal view and it is NOT meant to offend anyone.Read at your own risk~

Do you know how hard I work?I work my butt off to update regularly not only this but five other stories.I ALSO have a personal life and finals(I have A++ to preserve and I'm writing at least 15 subjects).I do not know perfect english because it is neither my mother language nor do I live somewhere we talk english.(Greek person here)Anyway,I have worked hard for this story and write at least 3000 words per chapter.I make a good plot that is very much appreciated on wattpad and not once,not ONCE has anyone complain.

Especially for the Brittana storyline.(Excuse me but since I've tagged Sebastian/Santana there are going to be in the story).

You tell me that you want to put nicely how 'hurt' you are because Santana cheated on Brittany.Well guess what,I have many things to say about this-and I hope 4000 characters are enough:1)SANTANA DID NOT CHEAT ON BRITTANY.This is a mistaken fact(blame it on me)but as I explain at the prequel that is published on my wattpad account)Santana kisses Sebastian when drunk.She then tells him that she loves her wife and wants to give her and Brit and a second chance.BUT they eventually break up after the end of the first book.I thought I shouldn't point that out because it is going to be discussed later with Santana and Quinn.2)This is post-season 6.It means that Rachel and Jessie did got married,so did Klaine and Brittana,Rachel won her Tony and became Klaine's surrogate.It's just that more things happened in between.3)If you have questions,you can ask me.Someone in wattpad asked me if they could read this story without reading the prequel and my specific words were"Whatever you need will be explained as the story progresses.But if you have any questions,feel free to ask me"4)I did not attack anyone with this fic.Unlike a known to all Skyeward shippers person that keeps posting stories under the Skyeward tag that are rude to Ward and mean to the fandom.5)Don't like what you read?Stop reading it.Unless it is a comment about my grammar or spelling mistakes and generally a polite 'critism' e.g You use too many commas,I don't need you telling me that you'll quit on this story.6)I asked some of the prequel's readers about a possible plot twist and they voted in favor.So again:There is going to be a major-charater death

SUPER IMPORTANT:I know that 'this' comment did not want to offend me(at least that was what he/she claimed).But you did.Because not only did I felt that I can't express my own opinions on a ship(a freakin ship)but also that I'm,what,homophobic.Simply because that is what I understand when someone says that this story supports the idea of a lesbian just needing to find the right guy.Both this story ans I are far against this idea.Firstly,this story is actually very polite to Brittana in case you haven't read some Sebtana stories that just'erase the characters' feelings and ingore cannon in a ridiculous way.Secondly,you can't tell me,a person who has a gay friend,interacts with both lesbians/gays(I think some bisexuals too)in the internet and always ALWAYS debated in the english class how these people are completly normal.As someone who is 100% against homophobia,a comment which implies that 'I'm making fun of the whole lesbian idea' hurts me.But I'm done being hurt about this because at the end of the day,I like this story.I like the characters,I like the plot and I like freakin ships.Thanks to this little(massive)comment I sat down and thought about this for a lot of time.

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