I make mistakes but I'm no sinner

22 3 1


Hunter and Santana have a tough talk.Meanwhile Thomas and his friends travel to find their missing team.While this leads in an unfortunate meet up with Beth Puckerman.Finally Brittany is reunited with Quinn.


Songs used for this chapter:
Sorry by Naya Rivera ft Big Sean
Love runs out by One Republic
Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez

Mckinley,audiotorium 13:35

"Sit"Santana ordered Hunter.The man laughed at her demands as he played with his gun.The latina tapped her foot in irritation"I thought I told you to do something"

"I am not your prisoner"he snarled at her with bitter.The woman in front of him chuckled at his innosense.In a way he was their prisoner,sure he wasn't tied up in a chair,he couldn't do whatever he felt to do.Hunter was going to leave Mckinley,but only when he was allowed to.

"I am the one to jugde that"she smirked and turned to face"Do you want to know what I think?"

"Not really"

"I think you regret not killing me that day"

"You're good,have you considered becoming a psych?"

"What I never understood,however,was why you wanted to kill me.It couldn't have been because of Sebastian-you didn't love him that much"

Hunter's throat dried and his skin was burning.He would take a lot shit from Santana but somewhere along the way he would draw the line.

"You don't get to talk about that"

"I'll talk for what I want to talk"she replied sharply while crossing her arms"Oh and don't play the victim with me"

"I am the victim.He dumped me for you"

"You almost tried to kill me!"

"You aren't going to let that one go,are you?"he mumbled.Of course,she wouldn't understand.Nobody could if they hadn't lived it themselves or had at least seen it.This was one of the reasons why Hunter clicked with Daisy,because she knew.

"Me trying to kill you has nothing to do with you being a slut"

The latina laughed at his comment"I'll have you know,I gave him no green light to come after me"

"But you sure as hell didn't give him a red one"he snapped"You were married with a son,you should be ashamed"

Santana didn't give him a snarky comment-or a reply at all-she just looked at the floor.Perphaps because he was right,sure it wasn't entirely her fault,she had a part in all this story.But this was a different tale for some other time...

"You are tensed"Hunter commented snapping her back to reality.The woman looked at him and sighed.

"I want to work things out with you"

"Why?I thought I was a prisoner"

"Right now the only enemy I want to have is WCKD"

"And the Cranks"

"And the Cranks"Santana repeated in agreement.The boy smiled and got up with an evil smirk in his 'stupid' face.

"You know there's only one way we can call it even"

"I should shoot you"

"No!"Hunter shout while raising his arms in defense"Not in a million years!"

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