Starting together,ending together

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I have to say I didn't expect this turn of events.Apparently Coach Sylvester can't choose between her top cheerleader and her One True Pairing.I guess I'm kind of relieved that the boy is Quinn's and Puck's son.I trust them,and I know it won't happen again.

There are just so many things going on.I'm trying to talk to Thomas,so does Blaine but kids don't open up to their parents.I certainly don't want him to go through what I did with Dave.

As we were driving with the kids at the back I felt my phone vibrating.


"Boo,I need you at the mall"

Huh?Mercedes hates the mall,she is more of a Lima Bean person


"Sam is calling the whole Glee club because he needs our help.Don't forget to bring Warbler too"

She hunged up before I could answer.Helping the Glee club,how shocking.

"Who was it?"Blaine asked

"Mercedes.We need to help Glee again"

Blaine chuckled and focused on the road,while I sighed.Once a Directioner,always a Directioner.


I'm gonna kill him,I'll go to jail and I'll see my kids once a month.But you know what?It will be worth it.

"You're an asshole,I can't believe you encourage my little boy to throw slushies!"I yelled at Noah who rolled his eyes

"What's the big deal?I did it and you payed jocks to do it too"

"So you want him to become a jerk like we were?!"

I'm so stressed that I nearly hit a car"Friendly reminder that we're here"Beth said and waved her and Newt's hand.I really hate when we fight in front of them,but...can you blame me?

I heard ny phone ringing and put my bluetooth"What?!"I sounded angry and I was.Hopefully,it wouldn't be someone from the hospital.

I heard some sobs before a sad voice spoke"W-why ar-re you yel-llin at me?"

Shit,hospital would be better.

"No,no Britt I'm sorry.I was fighting with Puck"I guess this helped because she stopped crying"I'm sorry"

"Forgiven"she replied and sniff"We're heading to the mall,the whole glee club.Are you coming?"

"I don't know,we are going to Li--"

"Pleaseee"she begged with a very soft voice"Santana and I are going,you can't break the Unholy Trinity"

I can't believe I always fall for that

"Okay"I could hear her cheering as I turned to Noah and the kids"We'll make a short cut,and after we'll go to Breadstix okay?"

"Yes"Both Beth and Newt shout.Puck gave me his typical smile that always made me forgive him.I hate it but I guess he is the only one who ever loved me.


I won't lie.Never have and never will when it comes to my family.It isn't perfect,but who family is?

Dad's father had left him and after some time he even found out he had a brother.Mum's family was even more worse.Her parents always loved her sister more,her dad not only kicked her out of their house but he cheated on her mother.So yes there are worst things than your parents fighting.

Most of the times,it's because dad cheated.This is why I don't like when Mihno talks about how he dates another girl each day.I believe,in monogamy and in soulmates.Yes,I'm hopelessly romantic and a jock,it's not a crime!And thank God,no one knows it.

In life there are two options,you always find your soulmate but you might not be able to keep her or him.You can either stand at the altar and say I do.

Or you can lose your chance.After some time you'll be looking back to those days,to the things you said but you didn't meant to.

("If you keep looking for that happy ending you are never gonna get it right")

All those times,you thought you were meant to be

("Don't you understand what you mean to me?")

All those times you hoped for things to have gone different

("When you were singing that song you were singing it to Finn and only Finn,right?")

All those times that she cried and you weren't there

("You know why?It was because we felt sorry for you")

Unfortunately,life isn't like those fanfics where there is a watch at the top of your head that shows you when you'll meet your soulmate or that the name is written at your wrist.

I like to believe in the opposite attraction theory.Or when the first one falls in love way before the other.It starts with a lingering glance or two,then excessive worrying,maybe a little bit of jealousy.They get deeper and deeper slowly a--

"Newt do you hear me?"Beth asked me,interrupting my thoughts"Um no sorry"

"I was asking if you'd call the guys?"

"Oh yeah sure"

I pulled out my phone and messaged Mihno,Alby and Theressa to meet us at the Mall.

This day didn't seem to end

Meant To Be + Chase Them AwayWhere stories live. Discover now