I'm too deep but I can still be saved

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Summary:Hive makes its first encounter with the New Directions.It is bound to end bad.

A/n We're one chapter before the end.This is going to be big...or not

Ship 9:10

"We heard nois--"Hunter stopped himself from continuing at the sight of Quinn.Daisy grabbed her gun while Thomas and Teresa stood behind them.Newt looked him mother with terror.

It was only then that Quinn's expression softened and her voice came out as a whisper"Newt?"

"Yes mum it's me"the blonde replied in an attemp to bring her back.However,the woman shook her head and touched his cheek.

"You're alive"she choked in between tears"Hive was right"


"It's watching us!"Hunter shout as he hit Quinn with his gun at the back of her head.Thomas dragged Newt with the help of Teresa outside.

"W-Why is s-she acting like this?"Newt asked Thomas"And who the shuck is Hive?"

"Newt please calm down"Teresa tried to reach for his hand but he took it away.The boy began pacing back and forth mumbling to himself before turning to Thomas.

"I just got my family back and I don't want to loose them"

"You won't"Thomas smiled at him"I promise you"he whispered the last part as he kissed his forehead.Teresa's eyes widened while starting to smile.

"You two are dating?When did that happen?God,why am I always the last to know?"

"We-we are not"Thomas stummered when Newt blushed.The two boys exchanged a look and Teresa made an awe sound.

"You two are totally getting married,it's going to be so g--"the girl stopped herself and froze dead in her position.Thomas looked at her puzzled as she pointed at the helicopter above them.

"What is this?"Thomas questioned.

"I don't know but I think it is going to land on the ship"The three friends headed quickly at the dock.The rest of the New Directions-minus Quinn and Rachel who were still with Hunter and Daisy-were also there looking at the sky.

"Oh no"Brittany breathed.Mihno looked at his mother along with Santana.The blonde shook her head and whispered some no's.

"Brit,what is this?"Santana questioned her ex-wife"Is it W.C.K.D,Hydra?"

"It's worse than this"Brittany told them.The helicopter was now on top of the dock and its doors were open.The group watched as a young woman stepped down."It's Hive"

"Hive?The Inhuman evil guy?"Mihno question with a slight worry in his voice.Brittany didn't answer.Instead she had her eyes glued on the woman who had stepped down along with four soldiers-probably from W.C.K.D- and two Cranks,this was bound to end bad.

"Guns in position"Santana stated as Mike,Tina and Harriet raised their guns aiming at the intruders.Marley had wrapped her arms around her son and stood behind Brenda who was ready to fight if she had to.

"Beth"Puck wanted to ask if it was really his baby girl that stood in front of him all different.But he didn't have to-he knew it was her-he just hoped she wasn't.It was better to believe that your daughter is dead then this.

"Father"she smiled"It's nice seeing you again"

"You're alive"

"No"she simply replied.In a way she was implying her Crank nature.However what she truly meant was that she wasn't alive.She would never be alive again."I'm here to make an offer"

Meant To Be + Chase Them AwayDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora