I might be your salvation(but you sure are my destruction)

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Brittany has found a way for the New Directions to be transferred in the secret location.Meanwhile Quinn and Newt might not be so sane after all.Finally Hive decides to trust Beth with a crucial information.

A/n I'm sorry for not updating for almost a month.(blame german and english).Thirdly,I will probably update a bit often because I am at my quite boring village(that's wifi-less and full of bugs.BIG BUGS)so I'll have free time to write.You know,unless something interesting happens.

Songs used for this chapter:
Blank Space by Taylor Swift

Dock,3:00 am

"You know when you said you had found us transport"Santana began turning to Brittany"I didn't realize you meant that"

"Well we could always find a helicopter,but I'm pretty sure no one knows how to drive one"Brittany shrugged"That was honestly the best thing I could find"

"It can't be that bad!It's a cruise ship!"Puck exclaimed with hapiness.The man streched his arms before turning to Quinn"You do have a bikini right?"

"Nope but I could always dive in my underwear"she replied to him sarcastically.Rachel chocked and began coughing.

"Even better!"

"I agree with mr Puckerman on this"Mihno cut in and turned to Teresa and Sonya"You could also play water fight"

"Men"Sonya cursed under her breathe as Teresa punched Mihno's arm.The boy flinched and claimed to be joking.

"I'd like to see Newt playing water fight"Thomas casually blurted out causing everyone to look at him."Did I say that out loud?"

"Okqy enough all of you!"Santana yelled to get everyone's attention"Our lives are at risk and the only thing you think about is girls in bikinis!"

"Well technically Thomas would like Newt in a bikini!"Teresa laughed as the arguement between her and Thomas started.

"Somebody kill them please!"


Unknown location,3:45

It was a bad day.Something rather unusual for someone who was supposed to have no feelings.Hive had told her that she would be able to think of her own but she would be able to feel nothing.

("Humans are weak.But their determination and passion is the most lethal weapon")

Five days after her change into a more evolved version of what the Cranks were,she first felt guilt.It was when she slaughtered a young boy just because she felt like it.But because she felt as if something was wrong that day,she told her God everything.

("You are a cannibal.It's in your nature to destroy the ones of your kind and you're selfish enough to not care about the consequences."

"That's what puzzles me"

"Your nature of self-distract?"

"No,the lack of selfiness")

And like a God it was,she hoped for an answer to the questions her heart desired.Beth's prayers were apparently not heard or perphaps it was the lack of careness Hive had when it came to its Alpha Crank.

("You'll loose it soon enough")

She never did.

However,she could not let Hive nor Malick know it.She remembered the Inhuman being very strict about a particular belief that she disobeyed from the very beginning.

Meant To Be + Chase Them AwayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz