Meant to be(Faberry's story)

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Here's a short description of Faberry.Since this story will be most focused on Newtmas then the not Glee fans should know what Faberry is.

Many years ago,in Mckinley highschool your typical story seemed to happen.Your typical jock dated the bitch cheerleader who ruled the world.Meanwhile the outcast was developing a crush on him.

"I have a girlfriend,Quinn Fabray"he had said.

"Cheerleader Quinn Fabray?"she asked still denying to believe it.

After all Quinn Fabray owned the school,she ruled it.Slowly Rachel Berry developed feelings for the jock named Finn Hudson,but she needed help to be noticed.

"I want to be thinnier.Prettier,like that Quinn girl"is what she said to Emma,the school consoulor.

Finn soon developed feelings for her(how shocking)but Quinn had gotten pregnant from another jock who was Finn's best friend Puck.However she told Finn it was his,and even though believing he was going to be a father...the pug continued his flirt with with Rachel.

"I know some guys cheat on their wives or pregnant girlfriends.Just don't do it with her"is what Quinn told him,but like I said he was a pig.

"Have you ever liked someone so much you just wanna lock yourself in your room,turn on sad music and cry?"From that words,that appled perfectly to a fangirl who talks about her otp,you could tell she was in deep.So yes it appeared like the typical love story.

"You don't think people whisper about me in the lunch rooms or draw pornographic pictures of me on the bathroom walls?"Rachel asked trying to make peace with the blonde cheerleader.

"That was me actually"

"I know everyone expect us to be enemies and be in a competition but...I don't hate you"

So yes Rachel tried her best to be friends with the blonde,she didn't know why.I mean she was in love with her boyfriend and she had been awful to her but...she couldn't hate her.

Even when she found out about Puck getting her pregnant she did the best for Finn not to find out.But in the end he did...thanks to Rachel.

"I'm not mad at you.All you did is what I wasn't brave enough to do,tell the truth."

Rachel couldn't have Quinn mad at her so she was relieved.She sat next to her and waited for her to talk,she didn't.

Then you'd say everything would have worked out.Rachel would get Finn and still be friends with Quinn.

"We're friends right?"

"I guess"

Santana had made her believe that Finn(after breaking up with Rachel)had been seeing Quinn.When the two girls met to write a song,Rachel found the perfect opportunity to ask what was going on.Which led to here.

"You don't belong here,Rachel.And you can't hate me for helping to send you on your way"

So there couldn't be more drama to this triangle...until it stopped being one.

"Ask for a gardenia.With a,with a light green ribbon wrapped around it to match her eyes"Rachel adviced Finn into what to take for Quinn when they'll go to the prom.

She seemed to be fine with their relationship

"This is my friend....Quinn"

But Finn wasn't.Especially when Rachel went with Jessie to the prom,he in fact punched him in the face.Which again led to this:

"This is your fault"

"That's not true--"Rachel hadn't finished after getting slapped by Quinn.

"I'm so sorry"

Quinn had never felt like this,so hurt.This was the first time she let her guards down,but for Rachel she did.

"What are you so scared for?"

"The future"

"You have nothing to be scared for.You're a very pretty girl,Quinn.The prettiest girl I've ever met,but you're a lot more than that."

And although Finn chose Rachel,she would always have a special place for Quinn.

"I miss seeing you in the choir room"

And she even convince her to come back

"We would love to have you back in the glee club,whenever you're ready,okay?"

The same time Finn had started showing how much of a pig he was,for example forcing Rachel into taking their relationship to the next step.

"Do you want my advice?Just wait"

And while Quinn was helping Rachel,she did the same.

"I wanted to thank you,actually.For keeping me from doing something stupid.Something I would have regreted my whole life"

"We're kind of friends,right?"

"Kind of"

Quinn slowly started to develop feelings

"Finn asked me to marry him"

"What did you say?"

"I said I'd think about it"

"You can't"

Everyone seemed to knew

"Stop making out with Berry!"

"Face it she's not coming"

"If you're gonna go lezzy with a cheerleader,the world is rooting you with Quinn Fabray"

Except Rachel

"I'm not gonna sit here and watch you destroy your life by marrying one Finn Hudson"

"If you feel like that then you shouldn't come to the wedding"

But for her happiness Quinn would go through all

"How do I look?"

"You look amazing Quinn,you always do"

"When you were singing that song,you were singing it to Finn...and only Finn right?"

"I want to support you Rachel"

So Quinn would come to the wedding and Rachel would always put her first.

"It's now or never"

"Just five more minutes for Quinn"

And yes,there are always tragic love stories.This was one of them,they all took their ways.Finn died,Rachel got married with Jessie and Quinn married Puck.How were they supposed to know that they were meant to be?Now Newt lives the same story can he have his happy ending or it will be for him too late?

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