Your Past Always Comes Back To Haunt You

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Karkat's POV
John's dad beat me for what felt like an eternity. How could I have been so stupid? I knew he would've found out eventually. I should've told him before this whole mess happened. I managed to fall asleep with my body aching.

I woke up in a pitch black room. I stood up and tried to get my bearings. Which was fucking useless because it was so dark. I stumbled around the room and found a light switch. I flicked the lights on and immediatly turned them off again.


No, no, no, no, NO!

This can't be happening. Oh, please god, no. I forced myself to turn on the lights again and look at the horrific sight in front of me.

Dead. Everyone I love and who love me. All brutally murdered.









I let out a sob. Over in the corner, hanging on to life by a thread is John. I rush over and kneel beside him.

"Karkat? Is that you?"

"John?! What happened? Who did this?" I sob.

"He was a guy around our age but he didn't seem right. He had clown makeup on and he was wearing this purple shirt with a weird symbol on it. Karkat, I'm so tired."

"No, don't go to sleep yet, please. Stay a little longer."

John started crying. "It hurts, Karkat. Make it stop. Make it stop."

"Jegus, John. I'm so so sorry. I'm the one who started this mess and you're the one suffering for it."

"Shhhh, it's not your fault. It's nobody's fault. These things just happen. Just know that, Karkat Vantas, I-"

"John? John?! Baby, please. Wake up! Wake up!" I rocked back and forth sobbing.

"Well, Karkat, now that we're alone." I jumped up and spun around.

"You! You killed the love of my life!"

"I thought that was me. Do you not love me anymore?" Jegus, Gamzee is creepy as hell.

"You killed all of our friends! What do you want me to do, bake you a cake?! No! You're a sick fuck who murders people!"

"I only did it so we would be together. They were in the way."

"John, too?!"

"Especially John! The people you love are dead because of you!"

"No, no, that's not true. They died because, because, because.."

"Even you can't convince yourself! You know I'm right!"

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut-"

John's POV

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut-"

I was woken up by Karkat's screams. Knowing that my dad was out like a light, drunk as always, I went to go check it out. I opened the door to the basement and crept down the stairs. Karkat was asleep on the floor with his arms still tied to the pole.

"Karkat! Karkat, wake up!" He jolted awake with a start and looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"Oh, John, thank Gog, you're alive."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Please, just stay with me."

I thought it was weird but I complied. Karkat leaned into my chest and I wrapped my arms around him.

"Never leave me. Please."

"I promise I won't."

I updated, but I don't think you guys are very happy with me. Hehe. I mean, I could've made Karkat's nightmare real. I considered it but I decide that killing off a character so early in would be bad. I was talking about this to @vriskaaaaaaaa and I was telling her it was sad and she called me the devil so, love you too.

Please don't kill me.

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