A Rose by The Name of Kanaya

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A/N Just to clear things up, I will explain the troll situation. Karkat and Terezi left Skaia, so they'd be safe from Gamzee. Karkat is haunted by the fact that his best friend/boyfriend went apeshit and killed everyone under his 'watch'. One thing to remember: KARKAT AND TEREZI ARE THE ONLY TROLLS IN THE WHOLE STORY!!!! However, this does not mean you won't find Human!Kanaya. That is what Kanaya is in this story. A human. Clear now?

John's POV

When I was running, so many things were running through my head. I wasn't really planning to go somewhere, but I found myself at my best friend, Rose's house. (A/N NO FREAKING SPOILERS!! I have not read the recent updates yet.) I knocked on her door, tears streaming down my face. Rose's mom opened the door and she ushered me inside. When my dad started abusing me and my mom, Rose's mom and Rose were there for us. So, basically, Rose's mom is the only adult who cares about me.

"John, sweetie... what happened?" She asked. I couldn't reply, because, you know, I was sobbing. "Rose is in her room. But, remember to knock, Kanaya's over" Rose's mom advised.

Kanaya is also one of my best friends and she's Rose's girlfriend.

I ran upstairs and I knocked on Rose's door.

"Coming!" She yelled. She opened the door, saw me, and all of a sudden, I was tackled by 2 human beings. Kanaya and Rose were on top of me.


"Get off and maybe, when I'm able to breathe, I'll explain." I said. They quickly jumped off of me and helped me up. I explained with difficulty.

School is going to be hell tomorrow.

Rose's POV (Surprise!)

That little fucker. I can't believe that Dave would do that to John. They used to be unseperable. We didn't know that Dave was homophobic. I remember when John came out.

We were sitting around a campfire on our usual camping trip. We were just joking around and being stupid. John was off the entire night, and we found out why when he cleared his throat.
"Guys, I have to tell you something." He said, voice wavering.
"Go ahead. You can tell us anything!" Dave reassured him. As if that would last long.
"I- I'm gay." John said, and dropped his gaze to his shoes. Kanaya and I jumped up and were comforting him. He was crying so hard. So hard. Later on he told us it was all the stress and the buildup. The only person who wasn't moving was Dave. I looked over at him and his face was red with rage.
"You mean to tell me that I've been hanging out with a fag my whole life?" Dave sputtered. John looked up, his eyes red. "You all disgust me. How could you accept a sinner? Rose, I expected more from you." John looked at me.
"What does he mean, Rose? Rose?!" John asked. I couldn't reply. I couldn't move, couldn't speak. How could Dave say that? That was our secret! John jumped up and ran away into the woods. Kanaya ran after him.
"What the hell, Dave?!" I yelled. "That was between you and me!"
"Well, how could you accept a- a thing like him?!" Dave jumped up and was screaming now. This son of a bitch. Then, I did something that was not like me. I slapped him. Then, I stormed off into the woods.

The big secret. The whole reason Dave thought I'd be angry or disgusted.  My dad realized he was gay 2 years ago. So, obviously, my mom and dad split up. My dad is remarried now. I have 3 parents. A mom, a dad, and a stepdad.

I love my dad, both of my dads. Nothing will ever change that.

A/N So, how you liking the Rose/Kanaya action? I ship it SO HARD. Anyway, you learned about John coming out. Luckily for me, the 5 people I've come out to have been extremly supportive. It's just amazing. My favorite part of this chapter was when Rose's mom implied that Rose and Kanaya were doing the dirty. Sorry about not updating very often. I'm so busy! And, my Nook died at 10 pm yesterday, and I couldn't get to a charger until 5pm yesterday. That's all I wanted to say.
Love ya, my Abbergashians!
PS Today's name for you guys was provided by vriskaaaaaaaa, aka my couisin. Last time's was provided by skyloxfan2001. Bye!

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